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Winooski Youth Wellness & Substance Use Prevention Forum: A Community Conversation

Wednesday, March 18 from 6 – 8 PM at the Winooski School District Cafeteria

Did you know in 2017, a quarter of Winooski High School students thought there was little to no risk from binge drinking every weekend and 50 percent thought similarly about regular marijuana use? But in fact, research shows both negatively impact young people’s developing brains.

Let’s join together as a community to discuss how we can ensure all youth get the support they need to make healthy choices.

The forum will include a FREE COMMUNITY MEAL and CHILD CARE. The program includes presentations and discussion about youth substance use prevention and identifying next steps for the community. Translation services in Nepali, Swahili, Arabic, Vietnamese, Burmese and Mai Mai will be available.

The community forum is sponsored by the Winooski Partnership for Prevention, City of Winooski, Winooski School District, and United Way of Northwest Vermont Chittenden County Opioid Alliance.

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