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Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Wednesday, March 10 from 9-10am – VT Foodbank at WSD and student meal kit distribution
  • Tuesday, March 16 and Friday, March 19 – Early Dismissal for all students at 11am (WMHS Parent-Teacher Conferences)
  • March 25 at 7pm – Winooski’s Got Talent Show (Join via the link found here)
  • View the updated WSD School Calendar (The last student day is currently 6/11/21 due to snow days)

Dear WSD Families,

We are so grateful that the Winooski community continues to believe in our work with a very supportive vote in favor of next year’s Winooski School District (WSD) budget! Through the ongoing success of the Capital Project and strongly supported annual budgets, it is clear that Winooski voters value a thoughtful, strategic, long-term investment in WSD students, ensuring a bright future for Winooski.

Additional District Updates

A Future of Promise and Opportunity that Makes No Exceptions.

National Education Secretary, Miguel Cardona, addressed a letter to you – our nation’s parents and students, acknowledging the extraordinarily challenging year everyone has endured, and sharing hope for brighter days ahead.

“Our first priority is to return students to the classroom for in-person learning, but we know there’s more work to be done once we’ve achieved that goal. We’re also working toward building better career pathways, making college more affordable, ensuring all students have access to high-quality schools with a balance of quality coursework that include the arts and sciences, supporting teacher quality and improving teacher diversity, ensure teachers receive the support and respect they need and deserve, expanding access to high-quality preschool, and supporting high-quality career and technical education.” Read his full letter here.

COVID-19 Updates

Since our update on 2/18 there have been four positive cases of COVID-19 reported to the WSD COVID-19 Coordinators. No line lists were required because the individuals were not in school while infectious.

Cases in Chittenden County are still very high and have stayed about the same over the past two weeks. Read more about data and how to protect yourself and others here. As you may know, White Vermonters represent the majority of COVID-19 cases but, proportionately, African-American Vermonters have the highest rates.  Click here for more information.

If your child traveled out of Vermont during February break, please plan to quarantine per Vermont Department of Health guidelines. If you have questions call the WSD COVID-19 hotline (802-556-2243).

Vaccines for School Staff 

The State of Vermont will offer vaccinations to school staff in all Vermont public schools as part of their effort to return students to more in-person learning this spring. At this point, we do not have more information about when the vaccines will be available to WSD staff but expect vaccine appointments to begin the week of March 8.

Across Vermont, 19.5% of people (ages 16+) have already received at least one dose of the vaccine. Read more about vaccine progress in Vermont. We look forward to this important step in getting Vermont back on track!

Return to More In-Person Instruction – We all want to have our students back in school for as much in-person instruction as possible. So far, we have managed to navigate this health crisis successfully without any students or staff contracting serious disease and/or requiring hospitalization.  As school staff get vaccinated over the next month WSD will continue to plan for increased in-person instruction.  The “Strong and Healthy Start” guidance from the Agency of Education (AOE) still requires 6 feet of physical distance which makes it impossible for WSD to have all PreK-12 students in the building at the same time.  However, as vaccinations increase we expect health guidance to change and will be ready to shift to more in-person instruction.  We do not foresee this happening until mid-April at the earliest, assuming all other health indicators continue to improve.

WMHS Parent Teacher Conferences/Early Release Days 3/16 and 3/19* (*Please note the date change) 

The date previously listed on this school calendar was incorrect. WMHS Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, March 16 (12pm – 8pm), and Friday, March 19 (12 pm – 3 pm). All students PreK-12 will be dismissed at 11am on these days.  Students at the Early Learning Preschool at the Winooski Family Center will be dismissed at 10:30am both days due to bussing.

April JFK Conferences and Early Dismissal

JFK Parent-Teacher conferences will take place Tuesday, April 6 (12 pm – 8 pm) and Friday, April 9 (12 pm – 3 pm). All students PreK-12 will be dismissed at 11am on both days. Students at the Early Learning Preschool at the Winooski Family Center, who will be dismissed at 10:30am both days due to bussing.

Winooski’s Got Talent

The Winooski PTO will be hosting the annual Winooski’s Got Talent virtually on March 25! To star in Winooski’s Got Talent you need to submit a video of you performing your talent, or a picture of your artwork, by March 12. Questions and submissions should be sent to Joe Smith at [email protected]. Please make sure that your videos show you following Covid safety protocols as outlined by the VDH and CDC. 

Watch Basketball Games Live!

Due to the pandemic, spectators are not allowed at Winooski basketball games this season, however, we will broadcast games on our district Facebook page. Watch the games here:

Find the game schedule here:

Just as in real life, remember to keep all comments on the live feed respectful and positive. Go, Spartans!

Thank you,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

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