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Important Upcoming Dates:

  • No School April 19 through 23 
  • Student Meal Kit Distribution April 21 from 9-10am 
  • April 26 – Middle School Students begin the four-day-per-week schedule
  • View the updated WSD School Calendar

Hello Families,

Today, two positive cases in our learning community were reported to the WSD COVID-19 Coordinators. For case #1, no line list was needed based on the timing of the individual’s positive result.

For case #2, a line list was necessary because the individual was at school while infectious. All students and adults who might have been potentially exposed were asked to leave the building this afternoon and wait at home for further instructions from the COVID-19 Coordinators. If you were not contacted that means that you are not considered a close contact.

Before today, there hasn’t been a single case reported since March 17. Masks, social distancing, and handwashing remain critical mitigation measures so that everyone can stay healthy and our schools can remain open.

As we shared last Friday, A Strong and Health Year: Safety and Health Guidance for Vermont Schools has been updated. While vaccines bring the hope of a brighter future, high case numbers in Vermont are evidence that we are not there yet. Read about the latest health guidance, including information about out-of-state travel, quarantine, and at-home health screenings for WSD students.

Please remember, if anyone in your family experiences symptoms of COVID contact your primary care physician (PCP) and call the COVID-19 hotline (802-556-2243). Symptomatic people should not travel.

Middle School Four Days Per Week
When students return after April break, middle school students will be able to attend school in person four days a week. In-person days will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesdays will stay remote learning days for everyone.  Direct instruction will begin at 9am and end at 2:30pm. Due to space constraints, some classes will need to move to new classrooms. Students have all visited their new spaces and know where they are expected on 4/26.

SBAC After April Break
After the April break, the SBAC testing window will begin. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test assesses students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 in both Math and English Language Arts.  Additionally, 5th-grade students will take the Vermont Science Assessment (VTSA) to assess their content knowledge and proficiency skills in science.  Please encourage your children to work hard on the tests and get a good night’s sleep before the testing.  Click here for the assessment schedule.

P-EBT Cards for all Winooski Students
Many families in Vermont received notice that they will be getting an additional benefit because they have one or more children qualifying for free school meals – this new benefit is called Pandemic EBT (P-EBT). P-EBT provides funds to help families impacted by the COVID school closure to stretch their food budget.

Since all students in the WSD receive free meals, most families with students enrolled in WSD should receive the new P-EBT benefit.

  • Families that already have an active 3SquaresVT EBT will receive the funds on the 3SquaresVT card.
  • All other families will receive only ONE card per family, but it contains funds for all children who are students.
  • This applies to Kindergarten through Grade 12 only.

Benefits are based on your student’s learning model for the month. This document has more details.

We hope all of our staff and students enjoy a relaxing, safe April break, and come back ready to complete this challenging and complicated school year strong.

Thank you,
Sean McMannon, Superintendent

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