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Important Upcoming Dates:

  • WSD Fully Remote Learning 12/9 through 12/16. The current plan is for all students to return to the previous in-person schedule 12/17 (details below).
  • December 23 through January 3 – No School
  • Find the WSD’s updated school calendar here.
  • Flu Shot Clinic – Tuesdays and Thursdays in December – (postponed until 12/17/20)
  • January 6, 2021 – WSD Staff COVID-19 Surveillance Testing (additional details TBD)

Dear WSD Families,

The last week and a half have been incredibly challenging for our district. With our first three probable positive cases happening within a week and a half, the COVID-19 response team has been working tirelessly with the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) to keep everyone safe. The decision to temporarily move our students to a fully remote learning model was not made lightly. We know that extended school closure is detrimental to our students’ academic progress, social-emotional development, and overall well being.

Yesterday, we found out that a fourth member of our learning community has tested positive for COVID-19. The WSD COVID-19 Co-Coordinators have already been in touch with everyone considered a close contact of the positive individual. If you have not been contacted that means no one in your family is considered a close contact.

Based on everything we know so far, none of the district’s positive cases of COVID-19 were transmitted at school.

We plan to maintain in-person learning, both hybrid for our middle and high school students and four-days per week of in-person instruction for our elementary students, as long as we meet the following criteria:

  • Low COVID-19 Positivity Rates within the Community and School. Low rates are based on VDH and Center for Disease Control standards.
  • Sufficient staffing levels to safely maintain in-person hybrid instruction
  • Ability to adhere to the VDH and Agency of Education Safety and Health Guidance

The COVID-19 response team will confirm a return to our regular in-person instruction schedule next Tuesday (12/15) based on these criteria. All families and staff will be notified of any decisions on Tuesday.

What can we all do to stay safe? 

It is incredibly important that we all continue to follow the tried-and-true mitigation strategies that have kept Vermont’s COVID-19 rates among the lowest in the country.

While it is disheartening this time of year, as we regrettably forgo family traditions and celebrations, everyone must continue to avoid leisure travel and multi-family gatherings until the health experts decide it is safe again.

Meal kits available for all children in Winooski

During remote learning, WSD will still provide meals for all children in Winooski ages 0-18. Read more about our meal kits here.

Basketball Updates

Currently, due to the recent Governor’s order, all school athletic activities are suspended until further notice. We will continue to communicate regularly about updates to our sports schedule.

Safety and Security Questionnaire – Please share your input! 

The WSD school board has requested a community engagement, education, and voice process about broad school safety and security. This process is intended to increase feelings of safety and security at WSD caused by systemic racism as described in the Winooski Students for Anti-Racism (WSA) letter. The board wants to conduct this community process throughout December and January so they can hear from the community to inform their decision-making about general school safety and security by late January and specifically the SRO program for the future.

All community members are encouraged to complete the School Safety and Security Questionnaire. The WSD home school liaisons will work individually with ELL families to complete the survey by the end of December.

Antiracism Updates

At last night’s board meeting the WSD School Board discussed the creation of a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee to guide the dynamic work of becoming an antiracist school district.

The next step will be to expand the Planning Team, ensuring broad community representation including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Then, the Planning Team will develop the role composition, application, selection process, and job description for the Steering Committee and each demand-based team for approval by the WSD school board on January 13th, 2021. Read more about the goals of the Steering Committee here.

The Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) also presented their proposed budget for equitably carrying out their work. School Board members and community members shared their excitement, questions, and creative ideas to fund the work. View the budget here. WSA reps also announced they have already received $1000 from a local Giving Circle. If you would like to contribute to the WSA’s work you can donate here. Read about why the WSA was selected below.

“We are so inspired by the work of WSA and honored to be the first funders to invest in the important work these students are doing to address systemic racism and build a more just, equitable community. These young people are doing the hard work to bring about meaningful change that is long overdue. They are truly inspiring and it has been an awesome experience to learn from them and watch them lead.” – Leslie Halperin, Co-Founder of The Giving Project and Member of LaunchpadVermont, Cohort 2, Pop-Up Giving Circle

Thank you for reading these updates and strengthening our home-school partnership.

Take care,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

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