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Dear WSD Families,

The violent actions in our nation’s Capitol yesterday were deeply disturbing and completely reprehensible. The delayed and ineffectual response of law enforcement to yesterday’s insurrection is in extreme contrast to what was seen this summer when a peaceful antiracism demonstration was stopped with rubber bullets and tear gas. This is yet another example of the systemic racism that continues to impede progress toward equality for all Americans. It is my belief that if Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) had stormed the Capitol they would have been met with significantly more lethal force than was used against the insurgents yesterday.  

Democracy is the foundation of our country and we must continue to be a beacon of democratic ideals by teaching our children how to be engaged citizens. This includes our essential journey toward becoming an antiracist school district. Our staff will continue to provide space for students to voice their feelings and opinions, listen to each other, debate important issues, and to move civil discourse forward. 

Even in these frightening and confusing times, I continue to be optimistic we will rise above the divisiveness and hate that is permeating our country, and join together to ensure a brighter future.

Here are a few resources:

COVID-19 Updates

This is the first weekly message of 2021. While this year is not starting the way we all hoped it would, there is hope on the horizon. On Tuesday, during the regular press conference, Governor Scott and Health Commissioner Mark Levine discussed the plan for getting Vermonters vaccinated against COVID-19. Read more about the benefits of getting vaccinated

Every morning, for the past few weeks, I have been meeting with leaders from the City of Winooski, the Vermont Department of Health (VDH), Community Health Centers of Burlington (CHCB), UVM Medical Center (UVMMC), the Association of Africans Living in Vermont (AALV), and the US Committee on Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) to coordinate efforts and ensure that our students’ basic needs are met. While it is frustrating and sad to learn about the challenges the virus has caused, I am inspired by the dedication and commitment of this group to make things better.

As of this morning, there have been 66 known positive cases of COVID-19 in our learning community since December 1. 49 of those individuals have finished quarantine and may resume normal activities. 

Decision-Making about WSD Learning Model 

As we shared last week, due to the number of current positive cases in Winooski and the limited testing and incomplete results during the past few weeks, our schools will remain in the fully remote learning model until Tuesday, January 19th. There is no school on Monday, January 18 in honor of MLK Jr. Day. 

Below are the factors the WSD COVID Response team is considering to bring students back to the previous in-person learning schedule (4-days per week for JFK students and hybrid learning for WMHS students). You can expect updates next Thursday about any changes to our Learning Model. 

  • Positive cases trending downward reliably (The data we are currently considering is for Winooski, Chittenden County, and the WSD-specific data reported to our COVID-19 Coordinators). 
  • Sufficient staffing levels to safely maintain in-person instruction
  • Our district’s ability to adhere to the Vermont Department of Health and Agency of Education Safety and Health Guidance

We Need You to Take Action

The most important thing all Winooski residents can do to take care of ourselves, our families, and our neighbors is to follow the guidance from Governor Scott and Health Commissioner, Dr. Levine. We ask you to:

Many of our COVID positive neighbors are reporting no or low symptoms. Testing allows VDH to stop the spread of the virus. If you test positive, you will also be offered supports by the contact tracers to enable you to isolate and quarantine during your infectious period.

Student Meals

Student meal kits will continue to be distributed on Wednesdays from 9-10am. Read more here.

Basketball Updates

The current plan is to start the basketball season once we return to in-person learning on 1/19/21. Updates will be provided weekly. 

Other updates

Calling All Youth Leaders and Social Media Influencers

Do you know a high school student who is interested in a paid opportunity to be a brand ambassador for UVM?  Do you know a Winooski middle or high school student who would like to sit on the city’s new Youth Council? Read more about those opportunities and how to apply here

#WinooskiStrong Initiative

Winooski Strong began as an initiative to raise funds and awareness for anti-racism in Winooski and beyond. The Winooski Strong campaign has created Winooski Strong merchandise to sell where proceeds are being donated to organizations that fight for racial justice and are focused on elevating BIPOC lives. Visit their website for more info. 

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

UVM’s annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, featuring a presentation entitled, “Slave Health Deficit: The Journey to Health Parity,” will be held on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 from 5:30-6:45 pm on Microsoft Teams. Find more information here

Thank you,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

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