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WSD Parents, Guardians, Students & Staff, due to hazardous winter conditions, all preschool, K-12 classes and after school activities in the Winooski School District (WSD) are cancelled today, Tuesday, November 12th.

Remember, you can find information about Winooski School District closings due to weather conditions through the following:

  • Local press outlets such as WCAX, WPTZ, Local 22 & 44.  This info will be on their websites and on television.
  • Mass messages via phone, email & text go out close to 6:00-6:30am The mass messaging system will leave a message on an answering machine and will make up to 3 attempts to contact each phone #. (Please make sure your contact information is up to date in our district’s system)
  • The message will be posted on our Twitter handle @WinooskiLearns,  Facebook pageour website & on our electronic sign in front of our school.
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