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Harvest Community Dinner

Free Dinner + Cider and Donuts!
Discussion: What are some fun ways to fill down time in the fall/winter? What does healthy and unhealthy leisure look like?

When: Wednesday, October 23 @ 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Where: O’Brien Community Center

Please help spread the word about the community dinner. If you are interested in volunteering, we always need an extra set of hands setting up tables and chairs at 5 PM and serving food.

Above the Influence Update

Winooski Students Reading

First Quarter of ATI
Middle school students in our after school program Above the Influence (ATI) are learning presentation skills. Participants are learning how enunciation, animation of voice and body language can make their words more engaging and compelling. These skills can not only be applied to presentations the students make during school, such as book reports, but also with community outreach and education.

As the school year progresses, ATI participants will have the chance to educate a variety of community members ­– city officials, business owners, pedestrians – about youth substance use prevention.

Outreach to entire student body
Executive Director Kate Nugent presented to the entire middle school student body on September 18, discussing ATI and how students can ‘help keep their friends healthy’, a major theme of the after school program.

The same day, Kate introduced ATI to a group of interested high school students, recruited by youth board member Stephie Siki. The first meeting was a hit, and students were interested in meeting again.

Partnering with Burlington ATI
Our youth board members Stephie and Lukas are meeting up with the Burlington ATI high school group every other Friday to share ideas and grow student interest in the program.

If ATI sounds like something your son or daughter would be interested in, have them stop by room 106 on Wednesday afternoons from 3-4 PM. The door is always open!

Did you know?

Did you know that restricting alcohol and tobacco advertising is a youth substance use prevention strategy?

That’s because research shows greater exposure to alcohol and tobacco advertising increases usage among underage youth.

In fact, a national 2006 study found for each additional ad a young person saw (above the monthly average of 23), he or she drank 1% more. And youth who are frequently exposed to tobacco promotion are 60% more likely to have tried smoking and 30% more likely to be susceptible to future smoking.

Winooski Partnership for Prevention has proposed establishing stricter outdoor sign regulations in Winooski to reduce the amount of advertising youth are exposed to.

Interested in learning more? Contact Communications and Development Manager Elaine Ezerins at [email protected]

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