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From the Vermont Department of Health:

Health Commissioner Mark Levine, MD together with City of Winooski leaders, will hold a press conference Friday at 9:30 a.m. at Winooski City Hall to give an update to the community about the recent outbreak of COVID-19.

The Health Department today reported 34 positive cases of COVID-19 that are thought to be associated with the outbreak in Winooski.

Since Monday, the Health Department has worked with the city and Community Health Centers of Burlington to offer testing at the O’Brien Community Center every day this week, and those testing opportunities will continue. As of Wednesday afternoon, 271 people had been tested at the Winooski site.

As additional specimens are collected, health officials expect to see additional positive test results.

“We understand the fear and uncertainty that people in the community are feeling,” said Dr. Levine. “And we understand that every community has unique and diverse needs. We have been working closely with city leaders, community partners, and service organizations to make sure that the people of Winooski get the information, care, and supports they need to help prevent the spread of the disease, and to keep their community safe.”

Dr. Levine said these types of outbreaks are part of the nature of infectious diseases. “This is not a breakdown of the core actions that have helped to flatten the curve,” said Dr. Levine. “We expect outbreaks, but we are prepared to contain them. Our contact tracers work hard to find out who is at risk and reaching out to them so we can take steps to slow down the spread of disease. This is the public health work we do every day.”

All Vermonters are urged to continue to practice critical public health measures such as wearing masks, limiting close interactions, and hand washing. Officials also encourage people to keep a diary of contacts to help in the event contact tracers need to find others who might be at risk.

“As we are seeing all over the world, COVID-19 is can have a huge impact on people, families and our communities,” Dr. Levine said. “We appreciate everything Vermonters have done to slow the spread of this disease and keep other people safe, including the many people who are impacted by this outbreak.” Additional dates have been added for Winooski residents to get tested for COVID-19 at the O’Brien Community Center, 32 Mallets Bay Avenue in Winooski. Sign up for an appointment and get more information at:, or call 2-1-1.

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