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What are you doing now? I’m going to the Community College of Vermont, studying business.

How did WSD prepare you for your current success? It was like a family, and I liked getting to know people and getting to know their stories. I still live in Winooski and I really love it. Winooski taught me a lot about diversity and different perspectives. 

Tell me more about your background? I’m from a refugee camp in Thailand. We came here on June 3rd, 2008. I was 8 years old. At first, it was hard adjusting to a new environment…I’d never seen a cement road before. In Thailand, we had a very country life with dirt floors…I saw so many new things. At the airport, I was surprised because I’d never seen an escalator. It was mind-blowing. My grandma came here first so we already knew a little bit. We knew it was a good opportunity for our education. My parents always say education is very important because they never went to school and they want us to have a better future than they were able to have. They escaped the war in Burma and life was very hard for them in their homeland. They had a lot of struggles and hardships. They are very happy here. 

What are you most proud of? Going to school and making my parents proud. Being able to continue my education after high school. 

Why are you studying business? Originally, I wanted to be a culinary chef, but CCV doesn’t have a culinary degree so I’m studying business, which I think will be helpful for later on down the road. In my senior year, I went to Tech, for hands-on learning. I had the opportunity to learn about professional food at Essex Tech. It was great. I still love food culture and want to pursue culinary work in the future.

What is your advice for current students? Follow your first instinct. Get to know yourself first. Make the right decisions will be easier if you are true to yourself. 

Why do you heart Winooski? I love the diversity. I love the people. I love the culture of blending different foods, and music and styles. 

Fondest memory? When I started in 2008, I met Ms. DeVost and Ms. Savage during a summer program. I was so scared, and I wouldn’t eat anything because my parents always told me, “don’t take food from strangers,” and they were strangers to me. I didn’t trust anybody. They were so patient and kind, they earned my trust and changed my life. Happily, I also learned that you can eat at school! 

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