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We are so grateful that the Winooski community continues to believe in our work with a very supportive vote in favor of next year’s Winooski School District (WSD) budget! Through the ongoing success of the Capital Project and strongly supported annual budgets, it is clear that Winooski voters value a thoughtful, strategic, long-term investment in WSD students, ensuring a bright future for Winooski. 

We are delighted to welcome Kamal Dahal to the Board of Trustees, and the return of both Steven Berbeco and Alexander Yin. Thanks to former board member Liz Edsell and budget buddies Allison Burlock and Jean Szilva for their leadership and for helping us create a sound FY22 budget. 

Voters in Winooski also overwhelmingly voted in favor of the solar agreement with SunCommon, allowing the installation and lease of a solar-powered electric generating system on the roof of the WSD building. Mike McCarthy, Commercial Solar Project Consultant for SunCommon, said his company is proud to help the WSD achieve our sustainability and financial goals. “I like to think of the solar as the sustainable cherry on top of the Winooski Schools’ capital project, putting the new roof to work making clean solar energy for decades,” Mike said.

Thank you for your continued trust in our School Board, Staff, and Leadership Team as we work through the unprecedented challenges caused by the pandemic. 

We appreciate your ongoing partnership as we ensure all students who graduate from the WSD are college and career ready and lead healthy, productive and successful lives and engage with their local and global community. 


The WSD School Board of Trustees

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