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The WSD is proud to offer our Tooth Tutor Program again this year. This program is for students who DO NOT currently have a dentist. If students have a regular dental home, they should continue with that dentist. 

If they do wish to transfer to Vermont Dental Care, they will need to have their dental records transferred TO Vermont Dental Care prior to us scheduling an appt. They will need to sign a release of records from their previous dentist. 

The School Linked Dental Program with Vermont Dental Care offers:

  1. Full access to Dental Care: Preventive (cleanings, Fluoride) and Dental Exam (Checkups with Dentist) and Restorative appts (Cavities that need to be fixed)
  2. Transportation to Dental Appts with SSTA to VDC during school hours, so parents do not need to miss work.
  3. Parents/Guardians will receive a visit summary of their child’s dental appointment
  4. Referrals will be given as needed to specialty offices for Orthodontics (braces), Oral Surgery (Wisdom teeth removal, if necessary)

Vermont Dental Care accepts all Dental Insurance including Medicaid.

A consent form and medical history forms need to be completed to become a part of the program. Forms are available in the Health Office. Questions? Email Tracy Towers (Tooth Tutor) [email protected]

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