What is school choice?
Vermont students may apply to attend any public high school in the state of Vermont (Act 129 of 2012). The Vermont Agency of Education has provided guidelines for determining how many students must be allowed to transfer out, and may be allowed to transfer into each individual school. Each school makes their own determination based on these AOE guidelines. Transportation for school choice students is the responsibility of the students’ families.
How do I apply for school choice?
School choice applications will be made available on January 1st. Students who are interested in participating in school choice should complete the school choice form and return it to their current school registrar’s office on or before March 1st. After receiving the application, our registrar will forward it to the desired school of choice. If more students want to transfer out than there are slots available, a lottery is held, and students are assigned a numbered place on the list.
How is the school choice lottery determined?
At the receiving school, students who have selected that school as their first choice are considered first. If there are more students than there are spaces available, a lottery is held. This step is repeated (for second and third choice) if there are more spaces available after the lottery. Students who are not selected in lotteries, or who apply after March 1st will be placed on a numbered waiting list. Students who apply but are not granted school choice may request to be put in the lottery for the following school year.
Students must maintain certain behavioral guidelines to retain their School Choice slot. Students who elect School Choice have the option of returning to Winooski High School, if they so desire, unless they have been expelled from the school they elected to attend. The appropriate time to return would be at the beginning of the next school year.
How will I know if my student was accepted?
Students will be notified in writing of the results of their application no later than April 1st. Students must make a decision and notify both their home and choice school by April 15th in order to secure their spot for the following school year.
If you have any questions, please contact our registrar, Sean Pagal, at or 802-383-6106. You may also explore school choice further at the VT Agency of Education website.