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Dear WSD Students and Families,

The WSD COVID-19 Response team has made the decision to return to the district’s previous in-person and hybrid learning model this Thursday, January 21. 

On Thursday, Kindergarten through 5th-grade students will start with their four-days-per-week schedule. Grades 6-12 will resume their hybrid schedule, with House B attending in person on Thursday and Friday. House A will start in person next week on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesdays will be remote for everyone.

The Decision-Making Process

The WSD COVID Response team considered three factors when deciding to move back to an in-person/hybrid learning model. 

  • Positive cases trending downward reliably 
  • Sufficient staffing levels to safely maintain in-person instruction
  • Our district’s ability to adhere to the Vermont Department of Health and Agency of Education Safety and Health Guidance

Positive Cases Trending Down Reliably

The WSD COVID-19 Response Team thoughtfully assessed the WSD’s current epidemiological data in partnership with the Vermont Department of Health (VDH). Fortunately, the rates of positive cases in our learning community are trending downward. Since last week, there have been no positive reported cases in our learning community. 

Currently, within our learning community, eight individuals who have tested positive are still in quarantine. Everyone else has been cleared to return safely to in-person learning. There are nine individuals still in quarantine for COVID-related issues and awaiting test results. 

Within the City of Winooski, positive cases continue to decline and are currently lower than during the first week of December. The week of December 9, when our district went fully remote, there were 19 unique Winooski addresses impacted (a unique address is a given address with a group of people living together with one or more positive cases). Last week, there were 14 unique addresses impacted. This shows that there are fewer households impacted than when we opted to go fully remote in December. See more current data here

This downwardly trending data is what WSD COVID-19 Response Team was waiting for, in order to make a decision about safely reopening our schools. The team does not believe that there are any health-related advantages to waiting to reopen the schools for in-person instruction. 

Sufficient Staffing Levels to Safely Maintain In-Person Instruction

The WSD Leadership Team is confident the district is able to maintain staffing levels in a safe and healthy manner across all schools. 

A Safe and Health Return to In-Person Instruction

The third criteria for keeping our schools open for in-person instruction is our district’s ability to adhere to the VDH and Agency of Education Health and Safety Guidance

As we have previously reported, 14 people were in school while infectious. However, the VDH has concluded that there is no evidence of in-school transmission occurring. This proves that our mitigation system does work. Our safety protocols have kept our students and staff safe. 

Our safety systems are designed to keep everyone safe. Please review our COVID 19 Response health considerations and video with your child. Every student and staff member must complete a health screening before entering the building. If you have COVID-related questions please call the COVID-19 hotline at 802-556-2243. 

Our teachers and staff worked with students in September to carefully teach the district’s Safety Protocols. Winooski students and staff did an amazing job! We were able to accomplish three months of in-person learning without a single case of COVID because our systems work. 

If the data changes and rates of COVID go up again or there is any evidence of in-school transmission, the WSD COVID-19 Response Team may make the decision to go back to a fully remote learning model again. 

For the wellbeing of our students and their families, we must all protect ourselves and others, so our students can continue to learn together in person. 

Basketball in-person practice schedule for Thursday 1/21

  • Middle School boys (8th graders and select 7th graders) 2:45-3:45pm in the cafeteria
  • Middle School boys ( 6th graders and select 7th graders) 3:45-4:45pm in the cafeteria
  • HS Girls 4-5:30pm in the gym
  • HS boys 5:30-8:30pm in the gym

Thank you for your continued support and patience as we work through these challenging times, together. 

Take care,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent 


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