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Dear WSD Families,

As of this morning, there have been 76 known positive cases of COVID-19 in our learning community since the beginning of December. 68 of those individuals have finished quarantine and may resume normal activities. Eight of those individuals are still in isolation. In addition, there are approximately 12 people in quarantine waiting for COVID-19 testing or results, who are unable to return to school. Below is a chart tracking weekly positive cases in the WSD over the past five weeks.  

The WSD COVID-19 Response Team met multiple times this week to collaboratively make a decision about which learning model our district will return to on January 19th. Based on the information outlined below, the team decided to extend remote learning until Thursday, January 21. There will be a communication next Tuesday, January 19 to confirm the return to in-person learning on Thursday or to extend remote learning. 

Everyone on the WSD COVID response team knows with absolute certainty that the best place for our students to learn is in-person and in our schools. However, due to the following reasons, it has been determined that this is not currently possible based on the following factors: 

  • Positive cases in our learning community have limited our ability to sufficiently staff the building in a safe and healthy manner. 
  • Positive cases of COVID-19 in our learning community have not significantly decreased over the past few weeks, although, as seen in the chart above, they have been in decline since the peak during the week of December 28 through January 4. (The data we are currently considering is for Winooski, Chittenden County, and the WSD-specific data reported to our COVID-19 Coordinators). 

We know extended remote learning is incredibly challenging for our students, their families, and our staff. While there are some students who are still able to fully engage with their learning online, we know that remote learning just does not work for all of our students, particularly our ELL and students with special needs. We thank parents/caregivers and students for the sacrifices they are making during these difficult times and please know that our COVID Response team is committed to bringing students and staff back to learning together in-person as soon as it is safe to do so. 

You Can Help

The most important thing we can do to get our students back to in-person learning is to follow guidance from the Vermont Department of Health. We ask you to:

Student Meals – Student meal kits will continue to be distributed on Wednesdays from 9-10am. Read more here.

Basketball Updates

The start of the basketball season is currently scheduled for Thursday, January 21. More information will be shared soon. 

Becoming an Antiracist School District 

A planning group, composed of Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) members Hussein Amuri and Evelyn Monje, WSD Board Chair Tori Cleiland, Superintendent Sean McMannon, and Lindsey Halman of UP for Learning have been meeting to organize the Antiracism Steering Committee. 

The purpose of the Steering Committee is to be an innovative multi-stakeholder committee that creatively oversees the dynamic work of the WSA’s Demands, serves as a communication hub for the Demand working groups, and ensures the Demands are centered in every aspect of the work. 

The planning group has determined the full Steering Committee’s composition, as well as the roles and responsibilities of members. The planning group will be sending out information in the upcoming weeks about applying to join the Steering Committee. 

Budget Updates

Yesterday, during the regular school board meeting, WSD School Board adopted a budget for FY22 of $19,516,240, an increase of 2.69% over the FY21 budget. This is a level service funded budget, no new staff positions or programs have been added. 

Education spending per Equalized Pupil, which is how the state determines funding, has been calculated at $16,633, with an increase of 4.92%. 

The USDA Loan has allowed the board to spread out capital project debt service, which remains a stable $900,000 in the budget. Read more information here

More information will be shared about our budget presentation and Annual Meeting soon. 

MLK Jr. Day Events and Opportunities – Make this important anniversary “A Day On Not a Day Off” – In Burlington, ECHO and other community distribution sites will be giving out free, family-friendly MLK-themed art activity packets. Packets will include supplies and a family-friendly discussion guide on multiculturalism, and links to other suggested activities celebrating MLK’s legacy and life.

There is also a storywalk in Leddy Park, several speaking events about racial healthcare disparities, and an MLK Jr. remembrance event. All events are free but reservations may be required. Find out more here.  

Other updates

Heart of Winooski Celebrates $100,000 Donation – Watch the video. ”In my view, it’s an opportunity to correct things like inequity. Give everyone an opportunity. Get them to the start line so whatever their opportunities are going to be, they can seize them because they have a good education.” – Bruce Lisman, HOW Foundation Donor

Weighting Study – Vermont’s education funding formula is based on Equalized Pupils, which is how the Agency of Education (AOE) calculates education funding. Last year, legislation was introduced requiring the Agency of Education to reevaluate the current Equalized Pupil funding structure.

This legislation stems from concerns about the extent to which the existing funding formula is effective in equalizing educational costs, and by extension, opportunities to learn for students across the state. The manner in which the State currently calculates the number of equalized pupils in a school district has been criticized for being out of step with contemporary educational conditions. 

The proposed bill (H.54) was introduced and co-sponsored by Winooski Rep. Taylor Small, and would require the state to reallocate more funding to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students whose primary language is not English. 

A change in the weighting system would likely result in an increase in funding for the Winooski School District. The WSD School Board will continue to keep community members informed about the progress of this bill. 

Thank you for reading these updates and strengthening our school/community partnership.

Take care,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

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