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Becky_SavageI live with my husband and our two cats in Essex Jct. I enjoy running, cooking, reading and spending time with friends. I like to travel, but do not get to do as much of it as I would like.

Education and Professional Experiences
I graduated high school from Burr and Burton Academy in Manchester, Vermont. I went to college at St. Lawrence University where I was an English major. After living out west for six years to ski, I returned to Vermont and got my MATESOL degree at St. Michael’s College. I student taught in the Winooski School District and then spent two years working with K-8 ELL students in the Essex Town School District before returning to teach in the Winooski high school in 2010.

What has been your greatest learning experience? (in or out of school)
By far the greatest learning experience I’ve ever had was the semester I spent in Kenya, Africa when I was in college. We were there for six months. We participated in a rural home stay, an urban home stay in the city of Nairobi and a home stay in a traditional, nomadic, Samburu boma. Living with families, in different parts of the country, gave us unique opportunities to absorb the many aspects of culture Kenya has to offer.

Who do you admire and why?
I admire my co-worker Aftaba Mezetovic. She and her family came to Vermont from war torn Bosnia in 1995. She worked hard to learn English and got a job as an ELL instructional assistant in the Winooski School District. Despite everything she has been through, Aftaba has raised two wonderful children, mentored and supported countless Winooski students and their families. She constantly strives to learn and give back to her community. Her insights into the refugee experience have taught me patience and understanding. She is the epitome of what one can accomplish with a positive attitude and strength of spirit.

What do you love about your current WSD position and the WSD community?
The best part about my job is definitely the students. I love working with such a diverse population. I have learned so much about different cultures and human experiences from my students. I am constantly in awe of their persistence and resilience.

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