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Rainbow Chen

Rainbow Chen

WHS Class of 2017

As my summer comes to an end, I wanted to reflect on one of the most exciting and life-changing summers of my life. Last Friday, I finished my 11-week internship in Senator Bernie Sanders’ office as a Legislative Intern and all I can say is that I’m truly thankful for the educators and mentors in my lifetime that have brought me here and taught me skills and knowledge on how to navigate Washington, DC in a fascinating point of American history.

Although the government functions quite differently from what we are taught in schools, I hope that I can take this experience and share with peers, mentees, and future students on how our voices can be heard on the federal level. I’ve had an adventure of a lifetime in this internship of being able to work directly with Vermont constituents, conduct research for upcoming bills, write important hearing and briefing notes for staffers, and work in a team of fellow interns with similar drives as myself to see equity for all people. As a constituent of Vermont, it’s been an absolute honor and privilege to serve my state at such a level I couldn’t have imagined myself doing just a year ago. I can’t wait to see what’s next!

#educationforfuture #politics #policy #internship #senate #equity #vermont

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