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Strong schools need strong community support.
That’s why we are so glad to have the continued support of our community. On Town Meeting Day Winooski taxpayers proved they believe providing a high-quality education to all children in our community is vital to our collective success.
With the approval of the FY’21 school budget, we will continue to ensure all students graduate from WSD college and career ready at a cost supported by a majority of the Winooski community. Our students are the future.
The WSD school board composition remains as strong as ever, as both Board President, Mike Decarreau, and Board Member, Tori Cleiland, were re-elected.
We are also glad to announce that the City of Winooski budget also passed.
Results below. Thank you, Winooski!
Article IV: Federal Budget
YES 1895
NO 248
Article V: Operating Budget
YES 1508
NO  640
City Budget
YES 1495
NO 666
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