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The Winooski School District strives to create an environment where ALL students feel they belong. Creating this welcoming and safe environment includes all LGBTQ+ students who, the data shows, are at high risk of experiencing harm in Vermont schools. As the Gender Liberation in Vermont Schools toolkit explains, transgender students are at risk of harm “not because of who they are, it is because of what they have to cope with–communities that do not welcome them.” That is why we have worked closely with several students and their families over the past seven years to ensure a safe and supportive shift in identity with the support of trained staff and Outright VT

Recently, there has been a public post and subsequent comments on Facebook that have made unfounded assumptions about our school district. Our district will not disclose confidential and private information about students and families to provide context to public accusations. And we would ask all parents, guardians, and students to take a breath when reading social media posts and consider whether they have all the information needed to post a helpful response. Assuming all information posted on social media is accurate coupled without the input of all parties involved can lead to unfair conclusions.

Our expectation is that any student or family concerns be shared with the appropriate school staff person. We will work collaboratively to address concerns while keeping the best interests of students at the center of every decision and response. When a student or parent is not satisfied with the results, there are next steps to be followed. Read about our Procedures for Public Complaints about School Personnel for more information. 

Here is what we have already done, and plan to do in the future, to help ensure LGBTQ+ students feel welcome and supported in the Winooski School District: 

  • Read our district policy on Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students
  • In 2018, JFK Elementary held an Outright VT training for staff. We will continue to plan additional training in the future.
  • Our leadership team and teachers partner with and support transgender students and their families.
  • District-wide there are seven bullying investigators on staff who are trained with legal knowledge about Hazing, Harassment and Bullying (HHB). These staff members start an investigation if a caregiver reports anything that may be HHB.
  • JFK classroom libraries have intentional, developmentally-appropriate books featuring LGBTQ characters and stories.
  • The WSD library strives to maintain a library collection that includes beautiful, funny, mysterious, and exciting stories that represent the spectrum of LGBTQ experience to our students K-12 (Julian the Mermaid, The Stars and the Blackness Between Them). Our nonfiction collection has texts that can help guide students as they begin the process of exploring their identities (Coming Out and Seeking Support, Being Transgender).
  • We work with outside agencies to support students and families, including on-site Howard Center social workers.
  • In JFK, two guidance counselors teach Social Thinking for all grade levels (Kindergarten through 5th grade). Kindergarten through 2nd grade has specifically focused on acceptance of others during this school year.
  • At JFK, there has been a school-wide focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), with an emphasis on wellbeing due to COVID-19.
  • We have outside counselors that meet with students in school – this is open to any students with parental permission and input.
  • JFK is a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBiS) school and a Responsive Classroom and (Developmental Designs in the Middle School) – which set up a positive school climate and expectations on how we treat each other.
  • The Middle High School Pride Club has been established for several years. Many students attend regularly and meet with faculty from the middle and high school, with additional district staff support. All students are welcome to attend. Faculty sponsor, Amanda Spencer, says the priority is for students to have a safe space to meet and be themselves. 

While we are unable to share information about HHB investigations or individual students’ private matters, we can clearly state that we stand with our LGBTQ+ students, families and staff. We will continue to take the necessary steps to build a safe and supportive school environment for all students. 


Sara Raabe, JFK Principal

Jean Berthiaume, WMHS Co-Principal

Kate Grodin, WMHS Co-Principal

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