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What are you doing now? I currently attend UVM as a sophomore. I’m a full-time student, trying to transfer to the Grossman School of Business. I’ve always liked business because my whole life I’ve been surrounded by people who are business-driven. My two brothers run their own very successful taxi business, my uncle has his own grocery store (Nada), my other uncles run businesses, too. Part of being middle eastern in that entrepreneurial mindset. 

What kind of business are you interested in running?  This summer, I’ll be running my own painting business. It’s part of my internship program with school. I’ll be working with a regional company called Collegiate Entrepreneurs, a fully licensed and insured company. All my painting services are backed with a warranty and I can provide numerous references within the area.  My goal is to get intense hands-on business experience while earning money to pay for my tuition. We can do small interior and large exterior paint jobs, deck staining and power-washing. Feel free to share my contact information with anyone you think might have a summer project in mind. Email:[email protected] Phone:802-488-4687.


What is something people should know about you? I was born in Iraq and lived there the first 8 years of my life. I had to leave because of the war. Then, I moved to Syria. After that, I immigrated to Vermont. My whole life I’ve been a low-income child. Every step of the way, it was harder being a low-income individual. Coming to a new country and learning a new culture and new language was incredibly challenging. It feels like a high accomplishment to be studying at a university and understanding everything. 

Winooski helped me best with that. If I had gone to any other school I wouldn’t be the person I am today. The languages and cultures I was exposed to, helped me develop skills to communicate with anybody. In the real world, you’re always going to deal with people who are different from you and you have to learn to communicate with them. 

What are you most proud of? I’m most proud that I’m able to attend a major university in Vermont. I overcame many obstacles and didn’t let hardships define who I am. 

What is your advice for current students? Cherish the connections you make in high school – with your teachers and everyone in the community, such as VSAC. Down the line, when you are in college or working, or when you need help from a teacher or friend, building good, honest connections is key in going about your life. 

Fondest memory of your time in Winooski?  It makes me happy when I think of those TA (Teacher Advisory) meetings – taking the time to connect with people. When I glance back at my high school memories I think of lunch breaks and times with friends, because in my college life those things don’t happen as often anymore. I want to tell students to cherish those opportunities. In the moment, you might not want to do certain things, but now that I don’t have those options, I miss them! I loved how small our school was. The bus rides from soccer games, blasting music, there was a real vibe. And I miss the teachers. All of them. 

Why do you heart Winooski? I love Winooski School District because they took a situation where they saw they have such a large immigrant population coming to the school and they adapted quickly and provided programming to support those newcomer students. Programs like the free lunches or fresh vegetables at school for families who needed more food at home. I see Winooski schools as great human beings who are running a school. Providing food to students shows you really care about your students and the community. 


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