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Dr. Heather Link, a pediatrician at UVM Pediatrics Primary Care and the WSD School-Based Health Center, wanted to share this important message with students and their caregivers: 

It’s important to remember, that as spring begins to emerge and we begin to bring back more students into our school, we need to continue to wear masks.

While the vaccine is being administered, and hope is on the horizon, we are seeing increasing cases in Vermont at this time, likely due to some of the COVID-19 variants with increased transmissibility. Masks should be worn at all times during school hours, including arrival and dismissal, except for moments when you are eating or drinking. Otherwise, they should be worn so that they cover your mouth and nose at the same time.

For younger students, it can be helpful, if you are able, to send in more than one if they become wet during the daytime. Masks are more effective when they are clean and dry. (If a student needs a mask change during the day the WSD Health Office has plenty of cute adjustable masks in smaller sizes, some of which were handmade by Dr. Link’s mom!)

There has been no change to the recommendation for mask-wearing, even if you are vaccinated or about to be vaccinated. Every day we learn more about COVID-19, how the virus is changing, and how the vaccine is protecting ourselves and our neighbors. In the meantime, we need to pull together and keep wearing our masks.

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