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Dear WSD Families,

Yesterday, Governor Phil Scott today issued a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order to minimize all unnecessary activities outside the home to slow the spread of this virus and protect the public. We wanted to share some information about how the Winooski School District (WSD) plans to address student meals, childcare, and distance learning as it relates to Governor Scott’s Addendum.

  • Student Meals

As long as the WSD has sufficient staff to prepare meals and run our meal distribution sites, we will continue to provide student meals in the same manner we have so far. Find meal distribution details here.

  • Childcare for Essential Persons

Childcare for essential persons is an essential service under Addendum 6. WSD has contacted all the Winooski staff and families who are essential workers who requested child care this week, and most have already found child care.  We are working with the remaining families to connect them to local providers.

  • Continuity of Learning

Per the initial Executive Order, school districts should begin planning for an extended period of school closure. The decision to extend school closure will be made and communicated soon. We are working on a Continuity of Learning Plan to transition from the maintenance of learning. We will be preparing to make this shift for Monday, April 27th. We are also working on a plan to provide fresh learning materials to students next week and will share those details soon.

Although most of our staff have transitioned to working from home, you may still call any main office phone line including 802-655-0485 from 7:30am – 4pm, Mondy-Friday to speak to District Office Executive Assistant, Krista Parisi. Calls will then be rerouted to the intended person or team and voicemail will be checked frequently.

Thank you,

Sean McMannon, WSD Superintendent

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