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Dear WSD Families,

Winooski School District is committed to nourishing our students’ bodies and minds during this time of school dismissal.

To help us support this goal, tomorrow, Friday, March 20th at Winooski School District, (60 Normand Street) you may pick up:

9am to 10am: Fresh produce

All community members may pick up onions, potatoes, and oranges from Veggie Van-Go. This will be available at the main/middle lobby entrance. Please note, Veggie Van-Go is only available from 9am to 10am.

9am – 11am: Meals for children

Prepared meals will be available for all children and teens ages 0-18 in Winooski – please note, children do not need to be registered students in our district to receive meals. Tomorrow, student meals will be available specifically from 9am to 11am ONLY at the WSD. (Meals will also be available at the Winooski Family Center and O’Brien Community Center at 9:30am.) Meals will be available at the elementary school entrance.

9am – 11am: Distance learning materials

Our teachers have been hard at work creating distance learning plans for all Winooski students. Learning materials will be available at the middle-high school entrance.

  • JFK elementary students will have learning packets to bring home, which include math and literacy worksheets as well as necessary school supplies.

Middle and high school students will receive:

  • Chromebooks and chargers for all middle school students and any high school students who don’t have their device yet. More information about remote learning plans will be shared tomorrow.
  • musical instruments for all middle and high school band and orchestra students.
  • art supplies (if students have art class this semester)
  • books, journals, reading materials, and other supplies depending on your student’s classes

​Student distance learning materials will be organized by school and alphabetized by students’ last names. If you have students at the elementary, middle school and high school, please let our staff know so they can provide you with all the necessary materials.

Pick-Up Procedures:

  • Please be patient and trust we are all doing our very best.
  • For the health and safety of everyone involved, we highly encourage you to pick up your fresh produce, student meals, and learning materials from your car.
  • We will have staff ready to bring you everything you need, straight to your car.
  • There will be three stations as seen on the map below.
  • Cars must be single-file. No parking will be permitted.
  • If you walk to the district for pick-up, please practice social distancing by keeping a distance of six feet between yourself and other people in line.

If you are unable to pick up your students’ Chromebooks and learning materials tomorrow they will be available for pick up at the other food pick up sites, the O’Brien Center and the Winooski Family Center on Monday, March 23rd from 9:30am-10:00am. We will choose the location closest to your student’s registered address.

(Please note: FREE internet is available from various providers during this time. Find more information below.)

If you have questions, contact me at or 802-338-7061 and I’ll try to find you an answer.

And please take care of yourself and your loved ones,

Emily Hecker

WSD Communications and Development Director

Information about free internet:

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