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What are you up to these days?
After graduating from Providence College in 2008 with a major in English and Secondary Education, I was hired as a high school English teacher. I am in my 12th year of teaching and also serve as an advisor for the school’s Student Council and Student Voice Summit. I have been married for eight years and have two children, who are 7 and 2 years old.
What are you most proud of?
In my professional life, I am proud of my students when they feel comfortable and safe enough to take risks and challenge themselves for the sake of growth. I try to create an environment that supports risk-taking and believe that can only come when I put myself on the line and try new things, too. That being said, my children are by far my biggest and best accomplishments–they are amazingly kind human beings.
How did WSD prepare you to fulfill your goals and dreams?
Simply put, Winooski taught me the value of hard work. This isn’t just hard work in academics,  but the hard work that was evident by many of my classmates’ families as they worked hard to provide for their children. I truly believe this gave me a better perspective when I got to college. I was intimidated when I first got there, but I realized that I could shape people’s perception of me by working hard and participating regularly in the classroom.
Biggest challenge so far?
My biggest challenge in my academic and professional life has been learning to trust and value myself. In my first few years teaching, I’d often take a back seat and defer to more experienced teachers when brainstorming or problem-solving. Now I realize that my opinion matters and is just as valuable as others’ opinions.
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