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What are you doing today?
I’m selling real estate in our beautiful home state. (Didn’t mean to start off with a rhyme…it just happened). I’m trying to contribute to all of the community programs that contributed to me getting where I am. That’s why I’m excited to be part of the Heart of Winooski Foundation as an Alumni Representative. 

The real estate job keeps me really busy. I’m excited to be on the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Committee at Keller Williams. Our D&I Committee focuses on training and outreach because Real Estate is an industry where, for example, agents are working with marginalized people who might traditionally be excluded from owning their own homes. It is important that we are intentional about how we approach and achieve equity. There is a direct correlation between homeownership and higher education and increasing generational wealth. 

Being part of the small, tight-knit, diverse community of Winooski was a really great thing for me. I feel prepared and comfortable in a way that I can finally give back. 

What is your fondest memory of WSD?
Do you know who won the boxing match between Mr. McQuinn and Mr. Litterer? Just kidding, I couldn’t tell you anyway. Only graduating seniors are allowed in on the results. They were both such amazing teachers. 

All the teachers in Winooski had an incredible impact on me. Mr. Lit is one of my all-time favorite teachers. And I’m still in touch with other teachers from WHS like Ms. Poquette.  The community at Winooski was awesome.

What should people who read this know about you?
I have two siblings in the district. Winooski did a lot for me and I want to be able to contribute. People are drawn to Winooski because it is dynamic and diverse and the schools are amazing. I’m proud that people know that anyone can be really successful coming out of Winooski. 

What are you most proud of?
Where I’ve come from and how it has shaped me. I’m proud of my career and being able to give back to my community through my work and service to the community. 

How did WSD prepare you to fulfill your goals and dreams?
One of the things I learned was that there’s no limit to what you can become and where you can go. We had so many people from so many places and different paths of life, and I realized that the world was wide open and full of possibilities. 

That’s why I like working in real estate. There’s no limit to the amount of money you can make if you work hard. It’s encouraged me to work hard and keep going. 

Tell us about one of your biggest challenges, and how you overcame it.
One of my biggest challenges was telling myself I had to know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life…and not knowing. It took me a while to figure it out.  I really struggled when I was in high school. Some people say, “if it happens it’s meant to be” but I disagree. You have to go for it. But it’s not always easy at 16 years old. 

I came to the realization that if you are committed to having a happy and successful life and keep working hard you will find it…whatever “it” is.  You don’t have to know exactly what your life will be like when you are in high school and taking the PSATs. 

Why do you heart Winooski?
Its’ commitment to always growing and changing and being at the forefront of learning and taking opportunities when they come along. Here at Keller Williams, even the most seasoned agents are still taking professional development training classes. Everyone can improve and be better at what they do. 

I really appreciate that for such a small district there is a profound commitment to progressive change. The district continues to evolve and has a growth mindset – just like the students! 

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