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Photo of WSD graduate Justice Palmer (co 2017)

Justice Palmer on the UVM campus, September 2019

What are you doing now?

I go to the University of Vermont full time and work at the UVM medical center. I’m a Patient Access Specialist, which means I help 10 clinics throughout the network, doing various things for doctors and nurses. I am studying Public Health – Health in Society, with a minor in behavioral Health Change through the College of Medicine. I live on campus during the school year and share an apartment with my best friend during the summer and breaks. 

How did your WSD education prepare you? 

I had the ability to access Community College of Vermont, and through iLab I had the resources I needed to obtain college credits. I entered college with 40 credits! I felt like I walked in and already knew how to “do college” because I’d already been doing it for a while. I didn’t need to learn how to take notes, for example. 

The diversity of Winooski School District also exposed me to so many other cultures which opened my mind – far more than other students from other districts in Vermont. I’m not lost to other cultures and I can adjust well to other people’s different perspectives. 

Also, for my senior project I did Service Dog Training and I trained my dog, Bella. Her official title is “Emotional Support and Stability” dog. Winooski launched that for me which was awesome. 

Justice’s service dog, Bella

What’s one of the fondest memories you have from your time at WSD?

I don’t have anything specific, but I think about that one hallway, where everyone knows each other and everyone is laughing and creating this incredible community – it feels like all these good memories colliding together. A collection of good moments and good people. 

Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years?

I hope to be a physician assistant or a doctor. I’m looking to get into a Physician Assistant program, and if that goes well, I’m hoping to get my Doctor of Medicine. 

What’s the most valuable thing you learned as a WSD student?

Staying open minded. The school broadened my perspective of people around the world which changed my way of viewing the world and my place in it. 

What advice do you give current WSD students?

Just because you go to a small school it doesn’t mean you can’t have big dreams! Also, be kind to each other. 

Why do you heart Winooski?

I love it because it gave me experiences I wouldn’t have gotten at any other high school!

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