Important Upcoming Dates
- Veggie Van Go at the WSD: Moving to Fridays; July 16, August 6 and August 20 from 9-10am
- Student Meal Kits: Every Wednesday from 9:30am – 11:30am at three locations
- Back-to-School BBQ: August 23 at 5:30pm (location TBD)
- First student day: August 25, 2021
- Updated 2021-2022 Calendar
Dear WSD Families,
I hope these first few weeks of summer break have helped you and your families feel a bit more relaxed and rejuvenated. Summer School is off to an amazing start – with students and staff enjoying exceptional learning opportunities at Shelburne Farms. They’ve learned about sustainable food systems, environmental stewardship, animal care & characteristics (in the words of one student, “cows have soft noses and hard ears”), and how delicious ripe raspberries taste when plucked straight off the bush. Below are a few photos. (Photo credit: Chris Magistrale and Nan Johnson)
WSD’s Current Health Guidelines
As of June 14, there are no longer any COVID-19 restrictions or requirements for Vermont schools to follow. Thanks to each of you who made the decision to get vaccinated and made countless sacrifices to get Vermont to such safe levels.
Because a COVID-19 vaccine is not currently available for children under 12 years old, there are a large number of unvaccinated people at our elementary school. Following Vermont Department of Health guidance, the WSD strongly recommends that unvaccinated individuals wear masks when inside, throughout the summer. There are other ways to protect children and families from COVID-19 infection, such as staying home when you’re sick and frequent hand washing.
The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) is watching the Delta variant very closely. It is increasing here in the US, and does appear to be more transmittable. It is also impacting young people in a way that previous variants have not. Read more about the Delta variant in Vermont.
VDH encourages people who are unvaccinated to get vaccinated as soon as possible and to mask up until they do. Here is the most recently updated mask guidance that includes recommendations for children:
Arabic | Burmese | English | French | Kirundi | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Swahili | Vietnamese
Winooski’s humbling, difficult journey to becoming an antiracist school district
Last month, Winooski middle school teacher, Thierry Mugabo Uwilingiyimana, announced his resignation in open letters that were shared with WSD staff and WMHS students. Mugabo was the only Black teacher in the middle high school, and in his letter, Mugabo cited white supremacist culture and a lack of support as his reason for resigning. This sad and painful news has undoubtedly impacted our entire learning community. It also strengthens our commitment to becoming an antiracist school district. Read Superintendent Sean McMannon’s heartfelt response and resolve in leading the path forward.
PowerSchool Registration & Access Accounts
In late July, please be on the lookout for a letter in your mailbox about creating PowerSchool family access accounts. Benefits of having PowerSchool access are viewing schedules and report cards, easily updating contact and medical information and signing permission slips digitally.
Free Summer Recreational Programs for All Winooski Students
The City of Winooski, in partnership with our district, is thrilled to offer FREE summer programs for children and youth! For a full list of programming and registration information, please visit or call 802-655-1392.
Free Meal Kits for Winooski Kids
Every child in Winooski, aged 0-18, is eligible for one meal kit which has enough food for seven days for that child. The kits include breakfast and lunch. Meal kits typically include two pre-made meals, as well as bread, milk, meat, cheese, vegetables, fruit, and other staples.
The WSD will continue to offer three meal pick-up sites throughout the community. Meals will be provided, at a first-come, first serve basis, on Wednesdays at the following times and locations:
- from 9:30am – 10:00am at the Winooski School District, 60 Normand St.
- from 10:15 am – 10:45 am at the O’Brien Community Center, 32 Malletts Bay Ave.
- from 11:00 am – 11:30 am at the Winooski Family Center, 87 Elm St.