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Do you want to take action to help the Winooski School District (WSD) become an Antiracist School District? Join one of the WSD Antiracism Steering Committee Action Teams!

The Antiracism Steering Committee (ARSC) is an innovative multi-stakeholder committee that creatively guides the dynamic work of the Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) Demands, serves as a communication hub for the demand-based working groups, and ensures that the WSA Demands are centered in every aspect of the work.

What are the WSA Demands?
The steering committee is tasked by the school board to implement the six demands adopted by the school board into Action Teams. You can read more here:
ARSC Action Teams:
Group 1: Racial Truth & Reconciliation Commission
Group 2: Hiring and Retaining Teachers of Color
Group 3: Ethnic Studies
Group 4: Review Committee
Group 5: Students Civil Rights
Group 6: English Language Learners (ELL) Mentorship Program
Help make a difference in your community (this is an opportunity for anyone between the ages of 8 and 105!)
* Compensation will be included for your time and effort!
Join one of the following informational sessions:
  • Sunday, August 8th at 4 pm: Youth-only meeting at the Myers Memorial Pool Community Room
  • Sunday, August 8th at 5 pm: Community meeting at the Myers Memorial Pool Community Room
  • Monday, August 9th at 4 pm: Zoom Informational Session (email for link)
Read these FAQ about the Antiracism Steering Committee:
Interested, but cannot attend an info session? Email:
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