Dear Families,
I hope that everyone had a fantastic vacation. While the students had Monday and Tuesday off this week, the staff was at school. On Monday, our teachers worked on their Project Based Learning unit. The 3rd – 5th grade teachers completed a training on SBAC, which happens this spring for all of our 3rd – 5th grade students. In the afternoon, Outright Vermont came to do a staff training around gender and allyship. On Tuesday, all of the WSD adults returned for a day of staff wellness.
On March 14th, starting at 5:30 pm, there will be a presentation on social media and kids. The event starts at 5:00 pm with dinner. This is going to be a great informational event, and we hope that families can attend. The informational flyer is attached to this letter.
On April 20th, the PTO will be hosting the 4th annual Celebrating Winooski Talent Show. Auditions are March 16th or 17th. Rehearsals are March 31st, April 4th, or April 14th. This is a wonderful community event, and the students have a fantastic time participating in it. The Talent Show is open to all community members, so if you have a talent you want to showcase you can participate as well!
We have been made aware of several recently confirmed cases of Influenza A within the district. It is still flu season in Vermont. Below is some information about the flu and how to avoid getting sick:
- Get your flu shot
- Thorough/Frequent hand washing
- Cover your cough
- Stay home if you are sick
Is it a Cold or Flu?
Flu symptoms can often be confused with the common cold, but the flu usually comes on more suddenly and is more severe than the common cold. Symptoms of flu may include:
- *fever (usually high)
- *headache
- tiredness and weakness (can be extreme)
- dry cough
- *sore throat
- *runny or stuffy nose
- body or muscle aches
- nausea
- vomiting
- diarrhea ( more common in children)
*primary symptoms being seen in this district
A person who is sick with the flu is contagious, meaning they can spread the virus. Adults can be contagious from one day before having symptoms to seven days after getting sick. Children can be contagious for even longer than seven days.
Please make sure to keep your student home if they have a fever of 100 degrees or higher. As a reminder no student may return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of over the counter medications.
Have a great weekend!
Sara Raabe
JFK Principal
March 11th: Daylight Savings Time
March 14th: Early Dismissal with activities
Social Media Presentation 5 pm
March 16th: Report Cards Home
March 23rd: Fun Fair