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What do you currently do for work?
I’m a teacher at the Winooski School District. I’ve been there since 1998, so for 23 years! I’ve taught some of my current students’ parents. I’ve also had friends who I went to school with, and I taught their children. It’s these close-knit connections that I just love. 

I love giving back to the community that has given me so much. My husband is a WHS graduate as well and we couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. Growing up, I had friends from all over the world. I learned from an early age that it is okay to think and learn in a different way. It is not only okay — it is wonderful to be different. 

It made us better humans and we wanted that for our kids as well. When I went on to college, I was better prepared because I was already flexible and open-minded.

Tell us more about your life after high school.
After graduating, I went to UVM and got my degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Drama Arts. Theater made sense to me, because what is being a teacher if you’re not “on stage” vying for your “audience’s” or students’ attention?

Next, I went back for my Master’s in Reading. This year, I’ve had to adapt again because I’m teaching first grade remotely through VTVLC. We were required to get our online teaching license. So, now I’m an Online Teaching Specialist. You adapt, you survive. 

What’s one of the fondest memories you have from your time at WHS?
In high school, we used to have a lot of student voice and choice for what we did for our extracurriculars and how we raised money for projects. One year we raised money through something we made up called “Mr. Spartan”. It was like an old-fashioned beauty pageant but this time, the boys were trying to win the title of Mr. Spartan. The guys came up with comedy skits and held fashion shows for formal wear, advertising local prom rental places. It was a really fun, silly event and it went on for years. 

What’s the most valuable thing you learned as a WSD student?
When I went to school our budgets never passed. We never had enough money for textbooks. One year there was going to be a really big strike. My parents, and other Winooski teachers, went above and beyond to get their students the necessary resources. I remember thinking that no matter how much money you have you can still get a really good education. 

Now that I’m a teacher, I always bring in food and supplies. I’ve never given out a list of supplies for students to buy. We don’t do that anymore. Parents don’t need to purchase anything for their students to learn. I remember going to the school and having friends who didn’t have enough and I didn’t want any of my students to feel they didn’t have enough. 

What advice do you give current WSD students?
Talk to your counselors early in high school about your interests. They can help you figure out what programs you might want to go into after high school or what colleges to apply to. There are so many ways to get college loans and scholarships. And, look into trade schools and apprenticeship programs. There are lots of opportunities in the trades and you can make really good money. 

Why do you heart Winooski?
It’s been my family’s home, my parent’s home, my grandparent’s home. Home is where your heart is and I can’t imagine my heart being anywhere else.

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