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Jason Truong, class of 2018. Photo was taken (10/31) in the art classroom at WSD where he says he “felt most himself”. The MAC (makeup brand) slogan is projected behind him.

What are you up to these days? 

I work for MAC cosmetics at Ulta in Willison. I knew I was into makeup even back when I was in 5th grade, and I went to Essex Tech for cosmetology. So it’s been my destiny since forever!

My mom is in the beauty industry, she does nails, and I watched her for years and I always loved fashion, so that world just drew me in. I’m pretty happy in my life… I like working at MAC and I was promoted to being the brand’s Instagram content creator for the holiday season. Gwen Stefani’s makeup artist just followed the feed! 

How did your WSD education prepare you for what you’re doing now?

The first two years of high school weren’t great – I didn’t know what I wanted to do and I was confused about where my life was going. My only outlet to express myself was during art class. Luckily, Mrs. Bruce and Mr. Webb were my advisors and they really got who I was and what I was going through. 


Jason’s painted ceiling tile in the WHS art room. The tile commemorates the date that same-sex marriage was legalized in the U.S. “Really, it’s unbelievable to me that it only happened four years ago,” Jason says.

What were you struggling with at that point in your life?

I came out as gay during my junior year, very publicly – in front of the whole school. They were starting a Pride club for LGBTQ students and I spoke during Community Meeting. Coming out in such a public way was terrifying, but it felt great because it made other kids feel safe in our school. For years after that other students came out in the same way, so it opened the door for them. 

It made everyone aware that being gay wasn’t a joke – it’s a serious thing and now people watch what they say and are careful. I knew I was always different since I was six. I did experience some bullying when I was that age…before I even knew I was gay. 

I do drag now too, and I’m definitely an advocate for men who are interested in makeup. My drag name is Sahsa Siracha…it’s supposed to be silly! 

What do you heart about Winooski?

I’m grateful because this school made me feel safe and welcome. 

I like how accepting it is of other people – not just LGBTQ people but all types of diversity. It’s so diverse compared to the rest of Vermont. I also studied makeup for my iLab project – it was a lot of fun trying out what I thought I might want to do for my future. In my case, it really worked out! I think it’s great that they allow students to try stuff they’ve never tried before while they’re still figuring out their lives.

Favorite memory of your time at WSD?

So many memories. Junior year was my best because that’s when I came out. My favorite memory is actually when I come out during my advisory before the community meeting. Another student came out at the same time. I knew everyone was going to be okay with it. I had a couple of years of bullying before that so I was a little bit scared. But mostly I knew I was going to be accepted, and I was. 

Any advice for current students? 

Don’t be scared of your future passion – you’ll get there at some point. The most important thing is that you work for it.

I understand being lazy but you can’t get anywhere if you’re not going to work for it. 


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