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Friday, January 25, 2019

Dear Families,

As you know, the water main break earlier in the week effected the school. On Thursday, the area from the Main Lobby over to JFK was completely turned off while the City was trying to find the leak on Main & Tigan.  The City was turning the pressure valves on and off which caused another leak on the same pipe as the New Year’s Day leak. The WMHS side was never completely turned off but the pressure was reduced.  The kitchen was also never effected, and food prep will continue as normal. These two sides of the building run on different water pipes. The water is on and running for the entire building. Students can use the bathroom and wash their hands. We have turned off the drinking fountains today in JFK as a precautionary measure until we get a clean test result which should be midday today. We are incredibly fortunate that all of the pipes were fixed, and students were able to return to school today.

The Big Change Roundup is going strong. Students are bringing in change and using it to vote for the adult they want to wear the unicorn outfit. Money from the Big Change Roundup in years past has supported the WSD in many ways. One way is that some of the money was used to purchased equipment for our School Based Health Clinic. The clinic is open to all of the students in the WSD. Last year the clinic ran from October to May with 37 clinic days and 144 students served. Keep sending that change in to help support a great cause, and our students at WSD!

WSD started our facility tours on Wednesday, January 16th. The tours are meant to show community members  the many improvements and system replacements that are long overdue to provide a safe, healthy and modern learning environment for our students. Tours and a Community Breakfast dates are below:

  • Community Breakfast & Tour: Saturday, January 26th at 9:00AM
  • Tour: Wednesday, January 30th at 6:15PM
  • Tour: Friday, February 1st at 6:15PM

The Winooski School Board will be pursuing a municipal bond this May to pay for vital renovations and improvements to our facility and plan for projected student enrollment growth. For more info about the project please see:

Have a great weekend!

Sara Raabe

JFK Principal


Upcoming Important Dates

Saturday, January 26th: Community Breakfast & Tour at 9:00AM

Wednesday, January 30th: Community School Tour at 6:15PM

Friday, February 1st: Food Bank Veggie Van Go

Community School Tour at 6:15PM

Wednesday, February 13th: Early Release with activities

       Last day to bring money in for the Big Change Roundup

Friday, February 15th: Food Bank Veggie Van Go

All School Morning Meeting – Big Change Roundup Reveal

Friday, February 25th – Monday, March 4th: No School

Tuesday, March 5th: Students return to school

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