Dear WSD Community,
For the 2021-22 school year, we are offering an extra layer of protection to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools — our COVID-19 testing program. This program is free and voluntary for students and staff, and participation in the program is highly encouraged, regardless of vaccination status.
While COVID-19 vaccines are very good at protecting people from getting seriously ill, data shows vaccinated people infected with some variants of the virus could spread it to others. It is important for us to create a safe and inclusive environment for both vaccinated and unvaccinated students.
How the test works:
The tests will be self-administered through a quick, non-invasive nasal swab. These are easy for students 5 years and older to perform themselves under supervision.
When will I get the testing results?
Results will be available to students and guardians via a private login to a personal testing portal typically within 48 hours. If you or your child receive a positive test result, you will receive a call from the Vermont Department of Health. The WSD COVID-19 Coordinators will follow normal procedures to identify school-related close contacts and provide quarantine guidance.
When will the surveillance testing begin?
If all goes as planned, on Monday, October 6. Testing should take place every Monday.
What else do I need to know?
If you want to unenroll in the program email COVID-19 Testing Program Coordinator, Emily Hecker (
We will work to make sure the testing does not disrupt regular teaching schedules Thanks again for your support. We will share more details as they are finalized.
Emily Hecker, Communication Director
Liz Parris, COVID-19 Coordinator
Katharine Monje, COVID-19 Coordinator