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High School Visual Arts


I actively experiment, innovate, and take risks in my artwork.

I use my personal artistic style to develop artwork that explores multiple and varied themes.

I evaluate the effectiveness of a piece of artwork to influence ideas, feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences.


Students will learn techniques of drawing through projects to create a comprehensive portfolio of work.
The focus of works will be contour drawing, gesture drawing, perspective, value techniques, and observational drawing.


Yearbook class helps students to learn a variety of skills that will likely be useful to them in the future, especially when pursuing their careers.
This includes how to communicate more effectively, handle problems, grow as a leader, manage your time, and meet important deadlines.
This course is a Creativity GX course and a Visual Arts GP course.

Creativity Capstone

Students will combine learning of two unrelated topics/skills learned during their coursework at Winooski to create/make/write/perform/produce something that is uniquely theirs.
They will engage with a short-term mentor, share what they create with a select community audience, and be assessed by an interview panel on the evidence and articulation of their personal creative process.

Spring Semester 2024 Lessons

Zentangle LINE & SYMBOL Art

Superlative Winners Slideshow

Who Am I?

Zentangle LINE & SYMBOL Art

Superlative Winners Slideshow

Who Am I?

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