Head Lice
Parents will be called if a student has active head lice. Students may remain in school throughout the rest of the day, but are encouraged to perform a lice shampoo treatment before returning to school the following day.
Please call 383-6094 if you have any questions. Letters are being sent home with helpful hints for lice removal.
The Facts on Head Lice
Most head lice infestations occur in school-age children; estimates of the incidence are more than 6
million Americans per year. Although parents or teachers may first see evidence of lice, a health-care
professional should confirm the diagnosis. A lice comb, a special tool available at drugstores and a
magnifying glass may help confirm the diagnosis.
How did my child get lice?
Transmission of lice generally occurs with direct head-to-head contact, possibly a close friend or sibling. Transmission is more likely to occur in the home than in the school. Lice do not jump or fly, and they rarely survive off a human host more than a day.
What are the symptoms?
Many louse infections experiences by school children are not associated with symptoms but if symptoms do occur, your child’s head may itch. You may see red, hive-like bumps on the head. Lice are active at night so your child may have trouble sleeping.
How do I treat this condition?
Use of an over the counter (OTC) product is the first step in treatment. If your child lives in an area where resistance seems to be occurring, the doctor may recommend treatment with a prescription product (Nix or Rid). Whether using an OTC or prescription, it is very important to follow any instructions that are included with the product. After using the product, a metal nit comb also should be used to remove dead lice and nits. Repeat the treatment, 8 to 10 days after treatment. A health care professional should reexamine the child’s head after another 8-10 days. If live lice are still seen, treatment failure has occurred. The child will need another treatment. Contact a health care professional for advise.
What else do I need to know?
Smothering lice with mayonnaise, petroleum, olive oil, or mineral oil is not recommended. These approaches have not been adequately studied. It is especially important to avoid using dangerous materials such as kerosene, gasoline, paint thinners, or turpentine to get rid of lice. It is very difficult and time consuming to eliminate an infestation of lice with the use of a lice comb alone. The comb should be used along with an OTC or prescription product. Child’s clothes, towels, and bedding should be washed in hot water (130 degrees F) and dried on high heat. The same can be done for child’s toys or blankets or with items used in the child. Carpets and furniture should be well vacuumed.
Please contact the health office with any questions.