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Dear WSD Families,

As of today, April 9, A Strong and Health Year: Safety and Health Guidance for Vermont Schools has been updated. This updated guidance reflects Governor Scott’s timeline for Vermont’s reopening. While hope of a return to normal life is on the horizon, high case numbers in Vermont are evidence that we are not there yet. As Dr. Heather Link reminded us, masks, as well as social distancing and hand washing, remain critical mitigation measures so that everyone can stay healthy and our schools can remain open. 

Below is the updated guidance that will impact your children:

Student Health Screenings
Student temperature screenings will no longer be conducted at school. Caregivers are required to screen their children before arriving at school. The required health screenings for students are outlined here. Upon arrival at school, students will still be monitored for proper mask wearing and hand sanitizing.

Travel Guidance Changes
Vermont’s out-of-state travel restrictions have been lifted. Unvaccinated individuals may travel without quarantine upon return to Vermont. Unvaccinated Vermonters who have traveled outside the state must be tested within 3 days of returning to Vermont. Students do not need to quarantine while waiting for a result, but if they have any symptoms, they should stay home and away from other people.Testing is on the honor system and will not be monitored by the WSD COVID-19 Coordinators.

Masks are Required for All and Distancing Stay the Same
Masks and physical distancing will still be required at school. The guidance states that all students must be spaced a minimum of three (3) feet apart to the extent possible.
When eating, PreK-6 grade students must maintain three (3) feet / one (1) meter of distance and 7-12 grade students must maintain six (6) feet / two (2) meters of distance between themselves and others.

Multi-Household Gathering
Vermont has restrictions on social gatherings based on whether you are fully vaccinated or not. (You are fully vaccinated 14 days after your final shot.) Since children cannot get vaccinated at this time, a household with children is not considered a fully vaccinated household. Read more about vaccinations in Vermont. 

That means families with children may gather with fully vaccinated people or households. You don’t need to wear a mask or stay 6 feet apart, unless someone is at higher risk of severe COVID-19 or lives with someone at higher risk.

You may gather with one other unvaccinated person or household at a time. Fully vaccinated people or households can also be at the gathering. Everyone should wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart.

Other Changes to the Guidance
All students may mix classes for educational purposes, as needed. Schools should ensure careful attendance records are kept. Currently, WSD plans to maintain current student pod assignments and will update families if there are any changes. 

If you have any questions, please contact the COVID-19 Coordinators at 802-556-2243.

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