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Dear Families,

We live in a world of instant communication, and many of our students have cellphone, ipods, or other electronic devices. At JFK, we have a cellphone/electronics procedure outlined in our handbook:


All cellphones and electronics are to be off and away during the school day. The first time a student violates this, the cell phone or electronic device will be taken by the adult and given back at the end of the day. The second time, the cell phone or electronic will be taken and given to the principal. At that point an adult from home must come and retrieve the cell phone or electronic device. If, after the second violation, the student continues to violate the rule the school may take further action.

We ask that families support us with the policy. If you have an emergency and need to communicate with your student during the day, please call the main number and they will put you through to the classroom. If your student does have a device that they bring to school, they are welcome to give it to the teacher to hold during the day. That way it is off and out of their reach, and is not left in their locker unattended. 

Today we had our first All School Morning Meeting. We gather, the entire JFK school, once a month in the cafeteria. Together, we have a morning meeting with all of the components; greeting, share, activity, morning message. However, at the All School Morning Meeting, we add two kinds of acknowledgments.

The first acknowledgement is called the Heart Ambassador. This is a new acknowledgment, so today was the first day. The Heart Ambassador recognizes students that have exemplified one or more of our HEART expectations. Students are nominated by adults in the building. At the All School Morning Meeting students are called up and given a certificate to take home to show the adults.

Our second acknowledgment is the Shout Out Award. For this award adults in the building are nominated by students and adults. There are Shout Out slips next to the Heart Monitor that adults and students fill out. Each month, two adults are acknowledged during the All School Morning Meeting. Adults from home are always welcome to fill out a Shout Out Award sheet for an adult at school.  

Have a fantastic weekend!

Sara Raabe

JFK Principal



Upcoming Important Dates

Friday, October 4th: 3rd grade field trip to Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge

Tuesday, October 8th: No School

Friday, October 18th: All School Morning Meeting

Thursday, October 24th: Picture Retake Day

        Early Dismissal at 11:00 with activities for students that signed up ahead of time 

Friday, October 25th: Early Dismissal at 11:00 with activities for students that signed up ahead of time

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