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Dear Families,

We have had another busy, fantastic week at JFK. Our classes are filling their Heart Jars. When a class fills their Heart jar they get to have a class celebration and dump their Hearts into the school Heart Monitor while staff and students cheer them on. Once the Heart Monitor is full, the school has an All School Celebration. Right now, the Heart Monitor is about 2/3rd’s full.

The International Day of Peace is celebrated worldwide annually on September 21st.  It is a day devoted to strengthening the ideas of peace. This year, the Winooski School District and greater Winooski community will be celebrating International Day of Peace in different ways. At JFK, we are participating in The Peace Crane Project. The Peace Crane Project is an international exchange program, inviting children from around the world to connect through the arts. The project invites school children to fold an origami crane, dove, heart or another symbol of peace, write a message of peace on their creation, and then trade it with another group. Last spring, we signed up to participate in this project and we were matched with The Pristine Private School in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. During morning meeting time this past week teachers showed a three-minute video to the students, which explained the basics of the Peace Crane Project and International Day of Peace. The students created any symbol of peace they wanted – a paper crane, a paper dove, a paper heart, etc. Students then created their symbol of peace,  a picture on their symbol, wrote a note, or did both. Today we had our first All School Morning Meeting. During this morning meeting, students shared the symbol they created with peers, and everyone put their paper project into a box to send to Dubai. Tonight from 6 pm – 8 pm at Winooski Falls Way,  the City of Winooski, the Winooski Police Department, and the Winooski Peace Initiative are sponsoring an International Day of Peace event with International Food, Activities, Music, Prizes, Community Photo, and Raffles. The entire Winooski Community is invited.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Sara Raabe

JFK Principal


Upcoming Important Dates

Wednesday, September 26th: WSD Potluck Dinner

Friday, October 5th: VT Foodbank Veggie Van Go

Wednesday, October 10th: International Walk to School Day

Wednesday, October 17th: Early Dismissal at 12:15 Early Release Activities for students who have signed up (No Thrive),

   PTO Meeting at 5:30pm

Friday, October 19th: No School

Friday, October 26th: Picture Retake Day

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