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Dear Families,

This week marks the end of the First Six Weeks of School. At JFK, we use the first six weeks of school to lay the foundation for the entire year. Students are explicitly taught the routines and expectations of the classroom(s). Each expectation, from how to walk in the hall to how to use materials, is discussed, modeled, and reinforced for students. 

As a school, we have high expectations for our students’ learning. From the first day, we convey to the students that we expect an atmosphere of support and collaboration both for the adults and the students. This school culture does not happen on it’s own. We take the first six weeks of school to build that classroom and school culture piece by piece. Students are introduced to their classmates, teachers, adults in the building, and even the WSD leadership team. Students learn about each space in the building, and the expectations for that space. For example, the expectations in the classroom versus the expectations on the playground. Routines are introduced, modeled, and reinforced for students to ensure that they understand them and can take care of themselves and their classmates. 

There are four main goals during the First Six Weeks of School. These goals are scaffolded according to age and grade level throughout a students time at JFK:

  1. Create a climate and tone of warmth and safety. 
  2. Teach the schedule and routines of the school day and the expectations for each part of the schedule
  3. Introduce students to the physical environment and the materials of the classroom and the school, and teach students how to use and care for them.
  4. Establish expectations about ways we will learn together in the year ahead

By taking the time during the first six weeks to work on these goals, we are setting the foundation each year for students to be able to learn and grow for the rest of the school year. We are setting up a school community that enables students to achieve their highest level of academic work in an atmosphere of safety and cooperation. This time and effort is a vital investment that pays off throughout the entire school year.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Sara Raabe

JFK Principal



Upcoming Important Date:

Tuesday, October 8th: No School

Friday, October 18th: All School Morning Meeting

Thursday, October 24th: Picture Retake Day

        Early Dismissal at 11:00 with activities for students that signed up ahead of time 

Friday, October 25th: Early Dismissal at 11:00 with activities for students that signed up ahead of time

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