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Dear Families,

Congratulations to Tiffany Demore and Savanna Bechard for being nominated for the Shout Out award for October! The Shout Out award is an award that any adult in the building can be nominated for by anyone, students and adults. If you have an adult in school that you would like to nominate, feel free to grab a referral slip from the box next to the HEART monitor and give them a Shout Out!

5th grade ran our second All School Morning Meeting this morning. Each month, the entire school gets together as a way to increase our community connections. Students do a greeting, activity, and read a message together. The 5th grade did a fantastic job running the meeting this morning.

Each week, the entire school focuses on a social skill. This week’s school wide social skill was Staying on Task. Throughout the school, students learned the steps to stay on task:

  1. Look at the task or assignment
  2. Ask yourself, “Do I Understand what the task is?”
  3. Think about the steps needed to complete the task
  4. Ask for help if you need it
  5. Focus all your attention on the task
  6. Stop working only if an adult tells you to
  7. Look over each part of the work to make sure you are done
  8. When you are sure your work is finished, hand it in
  9. Say to yourself Good for Me! I am finished!

Next week, the school wide social skill is compliments. Students will learn about how to give compliments to people, and why.


Have a fantastic weekend!

Sara Raabe

JFK Principal


Upcoming Important Dates:

Friday, November 9th: No School

Wednesday, November 14th: 12:15 Early Dismissal

    5:30 PTO Meeting

Saturday, November 17th: PTO Vendor/Craft Fair

Monday, November 19th: Parent Teacher conferences, no school for students

Tuesday, November 20th – 23rd: No School, Thanksgiving Break

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