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Dear Families,

It feels like winter, even though the calendar says it is still technically fall. Please be sure to send your student dressed for the weather. Our students go outside unless it is raining and/or is below 10 degrees with the windchill. If you, or your students, do not have appropriate clothing for the weather you have a few options. Feel free to contact your student’s classroom teacher. We have items at school for students that need them like hats, mittens, boots, and coats. On November 21st between 1 and 6pm, we will be having our 4th annual clothing giveaway. Families are encouraged to come to the cafeteria that day to get clothing for the whole family.

This week, WSD had an all day site visit with the Agency of Education and other 21C directors. This site visit happens every three years so that we can work collaboratively with the AOE, other 21C staff, and other professionals to help us improve our 21C program each year.

At JFK, our 21C program is designed with a literacy, math, science, technology, or the arts focus in order to provide opportunities for academic enrichment. Classes are taught by licensed teachers. Sessions run about 8 weeks each, with each 21C class meeting 3pm-4pm once a week. All 21C classes are free for students, and students that attend are given a free dinner to take home. The next session starts in January. Flyers will be sent home with students at the beginning of January. 

Next week is our fall parent teacher conferences. All students are dismissed at 11am on Thursday the 21st and Friday the 22nd. You should receive your conference confirmation letter today from your student’s classroom teacher. Please contact your student’s teacher directly if you have not received one. This year our fall book fair coincides with parent teacher conferences. Our book fair will run November 18th – 22nd. It is open during the school day, 8:30 – 2:30, and will be open Thursday the 21st until 7:30pm.

Have a fantastic weekend

Sara Raabe

JFK Principal



Upcoming Important Dates

Refer to your JFK student/family Handbook for these and future dates

Saturday, November 16th: PTO Holiday Craft Fair

Monday November 18th – 22nd: Scholastic Book Fair

Thursday, November 21st:  Early Dismissal at 11:00 NO activities for students; Parent Teacher Conferences 

Friday, November 22nd: Early Dismissal at 11:00 NO activities for students; Parent Teacher Conferences

Monday, November 25th – 29th: No School – Thanksgiving Vacation

Wednesday, December 11th: 12:15 Early Release with activities for students who have signed up ahead of time

Monday, December 23rd – Wednesday, January 1st: No School- December Vacation

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