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Dear Families,

Last week, the Winooski Middle and High School students had their Parent /Teacher Conferences. This is the first year we, the WMHS and JFK have had conferences on different days. This decision was made so the high school could have scheduled conferences instead of drop in, which is what had happened in the past. The feedback I have heard from WMHS students and families has been great. 

This means that in a few weeks, JFK will be having our conferences. Teachers should be sending home conference invitations and time choice forms for families to fill out today.  Teachers need your time choice form back by November 7th. On November 8th, during staff meeting time, the teachers will work together to schedule siblings so that they are close together. This ensures that families can meet about all of their children. Teachers will send your conference confirmation home on November 15th.

On November 21st and 22nd, dismissal is at 11am for all Winooski students. There are NO activities. These are the days that JFK has our parent teacher conferences. Conferences are scheduled for 25 minutes, so it is important that families are on time.

In order for your child to get the most out of their academic year, it is important that school and home have a strong partnership. Conferences are one opportunity for us to share with you all of the wonderful things your student has achieved already. It is also a time for us to share your student’s hopes and dreams for their school year. At the same time, it is a chance for you to share information with us. We want to know how things are going at home, and you and your students perspectives on how their school is going. 

In the week leading up to conferences, take some time to check in with your student about what is working well for them, any worries they have, and/or any questions they have. I encourage you to do the same. Take a few quiet moments to write down andy questions, concerns, or kudos you may want to talk to your student’s teacher about.

While you do have a 25 minutes conference scheduled with your student’s classroom teacher, all teachers are in the building during parent teacher conferences. Our Unified Arts teachers, (PE, Art, Music, and guidance) are all in their offices/classrooms during conferences. Our behavior coach, Amanda Babcock, is in her room and I am the JFK front office in my office during conferences. Families are welcome to stop by any of these spaces to say hello, check in, and ask questions.  

Have a fantastic weekend

Sara Raabe

JFK Principal



Upcoming Important Dates

Refer to your JFK student/family Handbook for these and future dates:

Wednesday, November 13th: PTO Meeting, 5:30 in the library

Saturday, November 16th: PTO Holiday Craft Fair

Thursday, November 21st:  Early Dismissal at 11:00 NO activities for students; Parent Teacher Conferences 

Friday, November 22nd: Early Dismissal at 11:00 NO activities for students; Parent Teacher Conferences

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