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Dear Families,

Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a relaxing week off. It was great to see all of the students return on Tuesday!

Next Friday, March 15th, is our PTO sponsored Fun Fair. The Fun Fair beings at 4:30 and ends at 6:30. Each year this is a fantastic family event. All students that attend need to come with an adult. The teachers are all there running games and activities for the students and families to do. 

Tuesday, March 19th, the PTO will be doing a fundraiser at the Ninety Nine restaurant in Williston. If you eat at the Ninety Nine between 4:00 pm  and 10:30 pm on the 19th, they will donate 15% of the proceeds to the WSD PTO. The coupon for the event is attached to this letter. Our PTO does such a fantastic job supporting our students in so many ways.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Sara Raabe

JFK Principal


Upcoming Important Dates:

Wednesday, March 13th: Early Release with activities

Friday, March 15th: Fun Fair, 4:30pm

Tuesday, March 19th: PTO Fundraiser at Ninety Nine Restaurant in Williston

Wednesday, March 20th: PTO Meeting, 5:30pm

Friday, March 29th: Winooski’s Talent Show

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