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We are in an exciting phase of construction, according to ReArch Assistant Project Manager, and Winooski resident, Danylo Whalen. “This is my favorite time in a project. This and ‘Turn Over’, when we finally get to share the finished project with the end-users (like students and staff). I like this phase because the foundation is built, and we have a real sense of what the finished product will look like,” said Danylo. “We’ve already addressed many unknowns in the ground and in construction planning and can really start to see the end product.”

 The walls of the new gymnasium (picture above) are nearly complete and measure 24 ft tall. The finished space will be 67’-3” x 104’-4”. Danylo is pictured near the back wall in a yellow vest for scale.

Watch this cool time lapse video of the middle school addition construction progress from June – September!

As you can see from the video, on the northwest side of the school, the construction team is working hard to erect the new steel structure for the Middle School addition. Due to close proximity to occupied spaces, the construction team installed safety measures necessary for the protection of students and staff in the form of a translucent curtain hung over the north facing windows of the two-story Middle/High School Wing (pictured above). This solution allows natural lighting to reach the classrooms, while also screening staff and students. 

 As cold weather approaches, the building construction will start to look more and more like the final, finished product that staff and students are so eagerly anticipating. Danylo explains, “I’m always excited for the next phase of construction, but coming up next we’ve got steel framing of the elementary school, roof structure for the new gym, and walls for the middle school wing. Once the buildings are ‘dried-in’ (roofs installed, and walls waterproof) we can give our working crews some more comfortable space for the winter-time while we work on the interior.”

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