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Young Writers Project


Read our amazing student poems presented by Vermont’s Young Writers Project.

Bekkah Lambert

Bekkah Lambert


She was art

She lay beautifully,
her long blonde hair
cascading down her back
in a way like no other,
and that long silk robe
covering more flesh than not.
She was art.
But not the type of art
you see in museums,
where you say, “Wow,” and move on.
No, she was the art
that made you feel something,
like that odd sensation in your chest
that makes you think
you’re going to explode.
So your breath hitches
and your face heats up
and your palms start to sweat –
until your mind goes blank,
like it’s the end of the world.
She was art.
But I’m sure that was only to me.

Hussein Amuri

Hussein Amuri



Sure, you are weak.
You can’t shoot,
can’t speak,
can’t do anything right.
But hey, just in realizing that,
you can prove that you are the opposite
of what you say you are.
They say there is a beginning
to everything,
and to become stronger,
you first need to know what you want.
You first need to know your weakness.
Know the thing that stops you from being
who you truly believe you can be.
This might sound cheesy,
but hey, listen –
those we admire so much
and wish to be like…
were once just like us.
They were once in our shoes
before they became the people we know.
Take Michael Jordan, for example,
one of the best players
to ever play the game of basketball.
He wasn’t always the best on the court.
In fact, he was weak.
But after accepting that he was weak,
Mr. Jordan then worked to become
who we now call the “G.O.A.T.”
He turned his weakness into his strength,
turned the table upside down
with only one thing –
his knowledge that he was weak.
So stop saying that you are weak,
because that is your ticket to success.
It’s like the great Fuegoleon once said:
“Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of.
However, staying weak is.”

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Young Writers Project – Burlington Free Press

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Young Writers Project – Burlington Free Press

Content provided by the Young Writers Project.

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