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Dear WSD Families,

We are so proud of our students for adapting so well to our new learning environment. As a district, we are still looking at our health and safety systems and procedures and adapting if needed. We need to stay safe to stay open. Your support and efforts at home to reinforce the recommendations of health experts are appreciated. 

On Tuesday the Vermont Secretary of Education, Daniel French, announced that Vermont is now at Step III in Vermont’s Safe and Healthy Start Guidelines. Under these guidelines, schools may allow groups of students to intermix rather than adhere to a pod structure, make use of common spaces such as the cafeteria and gymnasium, and hold sports competitions. While some restrictions have loosened, strict physical distancing, mask-wearing, and hand hygiene will continue. Districts have been encouraged to make any decisions about changing current protocols at the local level based on each schools’ unique circumstances.

The WSD leadership team is optimistically looking towards the future and starting to plan for the possibility of returning our K-5 students to school for more than two days per week. However, WSD has not yet set a date to bring students back to school for more days of in-person instruction. Read more about our district’s thoughtful, intentional, and gradual approach to returning elementary students to 4 days per week of in-person instruction


Despite our best efforts and planning, it is possible that we will encounter COVID-19 in our district; therefore, we wanted to take this opportunity to share an overview of what you can expect when a COVID-19 case is identified within our district. Please read this information from our school nurses: Preparing for COVID-19 in WSD.


If you have any questions related to WSD and COVID-19, or if you are concerned about your child’s possible exposure to the virus, please call (802) 556-2243.

The WSD COVID-19 Hotline is a dedicated number that will be answered 24/7 by our COVID-19 coordinators, Nurses Liz Parris and Katharine Monje. 


Wondering what’s happening in construction this month? Has your middle or high school students talked to you about the translucent curtain outside their classroom window? Wondering just how big the new gymnasium will be? Read our Capital Project Updates!

Parents/Guardians of children on IEPs:

Attention parents/guardians of children on Individualized Education Plans (IEPs): An important survey has been mailed to your home. It is important that you fill out the survey to provide the Agency of Education with parent involvement data.

If you need assistance in filling out the survey contact the Vermont Family Network.

We appreciate your ongoing support as we approach each challenge and opportunity with creativity and compassion.

Take care,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

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