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Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Return Student Devices (Chromebooks and iPads) – June 10
  • Middle School Dance – June 10 from 6:45-8pm in the Cafeteria
  • Last Student Day on Friday, June 11, 2021 – Early Release for Students at 11am
  • WHS Graduation (see live stream info below) – June 12 at 1pm 
  • Annual Athletic Banquet on Sunday, June 13 at 6pm (Live streaming will be available on Facebook
  • Fun Dog Show! June 26 from 9am – 1pm at Landry Park (PTO fundraiser)
  • Veggie Van Go at the WSD *New days* Fridays: July 16, August 6 and August 20


Dear WSD Families, 

Congratulations! We made it through this year. We couldn’t have done it without your support. Thank you! 

This will be our last weekly email update until August. Here are a few updates to wrap up this school year: 

Congratulations to this year’s retirees!
Danielle Magowan, Joan Benjamin, Lan Nguyen, and Robin Hood have collectively given over 120 years of service to the WSD. As the 2020-21 school year draws to a close, we wanted to take this opportunity to recognize these four invaluable staff members who will be retiring this year. Read our recognition of these outstanding individuals here

Welcome, Allison Burlock, the newest WSD School Board trustee.
Read more about Allison here. 

Student Meal Kits this Summer
Our district is participating in the Summer Food Service Program, which will start Wednesday June 16. Every child in Winooski, aged 0-18, is eligible for one meal kit which has enough food for seven days for that child. The kits include breakfast and lunch. Meal kits typically include two pre-made meals, bread, milk, meat, cheese, vegetables, fruit, and other staples.

The WSD will continue to offer three meal pick up sites throughout the community.  Meals will be provided, at a first come, first serve basis, at the following time and locations:

  • Wednesdays from 9:30am – 10:00am at the Winooski School District, 60 Normand St.
  • Wednesdays from 10:15 am – 10:45 am at the O’Brien Community Center, 32 Malletts Bay Ave.
  • Wednesdays from 11:00 am – 11:30 am at the Winooski Family Center, 87 Elm St.

Contact Mohamed Diop if you have any questions about summer meals (

Free Summer Recreational Programs for All Winooski Students
The City of Winooski’s Community Services Department is thrilled to announce an exciting slate of FREE summer programming for Winooski kids for the summer of 2021, including summer camps, day programs, and swim programs at the newly renovated Myers Memorial Pool. These free programs are available in partnership with our district, through Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER). For a full list of programming and registration information, please visit or call 802-655-1392.

Class of 2021 Graduation
Graduation will be held in-person on June 12 at 1pm in the WHS Gymnasium. At this point seating is limited to two guests per graduate and will be assigned in the gym.  If you’re not able to join in person, watch live at: or on the WSD Facebook page:

Winooski Legacy Campaign Video – 100 Years of Opportunity & Welcoming
To celebrate Winooski’s 100-year legacy of welcoming and opportunity, the city is sharing features of our people, places, and traditions leading up to the Centennial Celebration on March 7, 2022!

As part of the celebration, David Klinker, a Winooski High School junior, used his amazing videography skills to capture some of the experiences of welcoming and opportunity of his classmates, teachers, and staff at our district. Watch the video here! 

Free Summer Tutoring
Winooski School District is continuing its partnership with The Education Annex this summer to provide free summer tutoring for students, grades K-12, in math, reading, writing and science. Summer tutoring will start June 14 and continue through July and August. If you would like to sign your child up please contact: Stephanie Hackett at 

Student Devices
All student devices should have been turned in today, Thursday June 10. If your student forgot to bring their device, they can also return devices tomorrow (Friday, June 11) from 1-1:45pm in front of the school. 

For students who do not return their devices by Friday, the WSD IT team will remotely deactivate the machines, which will make it inoperative. Devices will not be replaced in the fall until the current device is returned and checked.  

Athletic Banquet
Winooski High School 77th Annual Athletic Banquet on Sunday, June 13th at 6:00pm in the Winooski High School Gymnasium for all Winooski high School students who completed at least one athletic season for the 2020-21 School year. Each family may have two people attend. If you would like to bring additional guests, please email Athletic Director Dennis Barcomb ( Please note: Seating will be limited. The potluck meal will not occur this year. (Live streaming of the Banquet will be available on Facebook

Fun Dog Show!
The WSD PTO is hosting a Fun Dog Show on June 26. With categories such as “Best Bark, Best Owner/Dog Look Alike, Best Trick and Best Costume” there are plenty of ways to celebrate your beloved canine companions! There will be prizes and plenty of fun! Register your pup by emailing

Communications Survey – Help us improve and enter to win a $50 gift card!
Over 350 people have completed this survey already. Please lend your voice to make sure we’re meeting your needs! Once you complete the survey, you will have the option to enter your information into a raffle to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Your contact information will NOT be linked to your survey responses.  Fill out the survey by June 15 here. 

Thank you!

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