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Important Upcoming Dates:

  • No School – Monday, May 31 
  • In-School Vaccine Clinic (2nd dose) – June 8 from 1 – 5 pm 
  • Last Student Day on Friday, June 11, 2021 – Early Release for Students at 11am
  • June 12 at 1pm – WHS Graduation (see live stream info below)
  • Annual Athletic Banquet on Sunday, June 13 at 6:00pm (Live streaming will be available on Facebook
  • Fun Dog Show! June 26 from 9am – 1pm at Landry Park (PTO fundraiser)
  • Veggie Van Go at the WSD July 16 from 9-10am

Athletic Banquet
Winooski High School 77th Annual Athletic Banquet on Sunday, June 13th at 6:00pm in the Winooski High School Gymnasium. All Winooski high School students who completed at least one athletic season for the 2020-21 School year. Each family may have two people attend. If you would like to bring additional guests, please email Athletic Director Dennis Barcomb ( Please note, the potluck meal will not occur this year. (Live streaming of the Banquet will be available on Facebook

Communications Survey – Help us improve and enter to win a $50 gift card!
We want every family in the WSD to feel informed and empowered through clear, accessible, frequent communication from the district. Our partnership with families, caregivers, and the community is key to each student’s success. 

This year, we have committed to sending weekly updates on Thursdays to keep families informed about district issues, especially about COVID. We need your help to improve our communication going forward. Once you complete the survey, you will have the option to enter your information into a raffle to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Your contact information will NOT be linked to your survey responses.  Fill out the survey here. 

Free Summer Recreational Programs for All Winooski Students
The City of Winooski, in partnership with the Winooski School District, is thrilled to announce that we will be offering FREE summer programs for children and youth with funds provided by the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Act! A full listing of programs and registration information please visit or call 802-655-1392.

Free Summer Tutoring
Winooski School District is continuing its partnership with The Education Annex this summer to provide free summer tutoring for students in grades K-12. Summer tutoring will start June 14th and continue through July and August. If you would like to sign your child up please contact: Stephanie Hackett at 

Summer P-EBT (Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer)
The State of Vermont will be issuing Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) cards to help with students’ food costs over the summer months.  Households will receive a one-time allotment of $375 per eligible student. The Summer P-EBT benefit will be issued in late July 2021, and is in addition to a second round of School Year P-EBT benefit, which will be made available to families in July for the months of Feb-June. All students enrolled in our school will receive this benefit because our school normally offers free meals to all students through the Community Eligibility Provision. For families receiving 3SquaresVT, P-EBT benefits will be added to existing EBT cards.  Families who have already received a P-EBT card this school year will have the Summer P-EBT benefit added to their existing card. Find out more about P-EBT benefits by visiting

Return Student WSD-Issued Devices by June 10
We are collecting laptops and iPads from students for inventory and repair. Devices are due by June 10. Please make sure the device and charger are labeled with your student’s name (masking tape works well for this purpose). Thank you! 

In-School Vaccine Clinic for WSD Students (2nd dose)
Students and community members will receive their second dose of the COVID vaccine at school on June 8 from 1-5pm. Registration was completed at the first dose in-school clinic. Want to learn more about the COVID vaccine? Read more here.

Restorative Justice Youth Leadership Workshop
This workshop will meet during the summer on Tuesdays (June 22 – August 10) 12-2pm at the O’Brien Community Center. Participants in this workshop will receive $200 at the end of the summer. Learn more and apply here

Fun Dog Show!
The WSD PTO is hosting a Fun Dog Show on June 26. With categories such as “Best Bark, Best Owner/Dog Look Alike, Best Trick and Best Costume” there are plenty of ways to celebrate your beloved canine companions! There will be prizes and plenty of fun!  Register by emailing

Class of 2021 Graduation
Graduation will be held in-person on June 12 at 1pm in the WHS Gymnasium. At this point seating is limited to two guests per graduate and will be assigned in the gym.  If you’re not able to join in person, watch live at: or on the WSD Facebook page:

The graduation will air on the LEARN channel (Comcast 1094) at these times:

  • 6/17 at 10:00 AM
  • 6/18 at 8:00 PM
  • 6/19 at 6:00 PM

WSD School Board Member Appointment Process
With the departure of Mike Decarreau from the school board after 10+ years of outstanding leadership, the board will be appointing a new member to replace him for the remainder of his term until March 2022.  If you are interested in this role please send a letter of interest and resume to Krista Parisi, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at by Thursday, June 3, 2021 or call 802-383-6000 for more information.  Candidate interviews will take place at the Wednesday, June 9 regular board meeting starting at 6:30pm.

Courtesy Posts
Each week we will share information from non-district organizations upon request. Click here if you are interested in learning more about

  • WMA created a survey and are collecting data and ideas for the most requested use of space in the O’Brien Community Center, which may have some vacancy. Please take a minute to fill out the survey! 
  • Little Bellas Mountain Biking Program
  • The Vermont Foodbank’s Community Kitchen Academy (CKA) is currently accepting applications for student enrollment in its successful workforce training program for a 7 week course beginning June 7.
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