Mask Reminder
While the mask mandate has relaxed for much of Vermont, our district is still adhering to the Vermont Agency of Education’s Strong and Healthy Year Guidelines.
All staff and students are required to wear facial coverings while in the school building. They must also wear them when outside of the building if adequate physical distancing of at least six (6) feet cannot be maintained. This includes any end of year events or field trips. Adults doing student drop-off and pick-up must wear facial coverings. In addition, all visitors must wear a mask while on the WSD campus.
We have created this video to provide guidance to help us finish the year strong.
Athletic Banquet
Winooski High School 77th Annual Athletic Banquet on Sunday, June 13th at 6:00pm in the Winooski High School Gymnasium. All Winooski high School students who completed at least one athletic season for the 2020-21 School year. Each family may have two people attend. If you would like to bring additional guests, please email Athletic Director Dennis Barcomb ( Please note, the potluck meal will not occur this year. (Live streaming of the Banquet will be available on Facebook)
Are you curious how the WSD uses Federal Grant money?
On Saturday, May 22 at 6 pm Michael Eppolito, Director of Curriculum will review how the Winooski School District uses its Federal Grant money. During this 30 minute presentation you will:
- Learn about the goals and purposes of our Federal Grant
- Learn about how we use Federal Grant funds
- Provide suggestions and ask questions regarding our federal funding
Join the meeting:
Interpreter services are available upon request. Please contact your liaison.
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at School
The first in-school clinic on May 18 was a success! Over 100 students, staff and community members were able to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
WCAX reported on the clinic – watch the video here. Our school is one giant step closer to protecting our entire learning community from COVID. It wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Nurse Liz Parris, Emily Hecker, Karen Greene, Jaycie Puttlitz, Cathy Bray, Jason Ziter and all the teachers who helped make sure their students were registered.
The next in-school clinic for second doses is June 8 from 1 – 5 pm.
More good news: No positive cases of COVID have been reported to the WSD COVID-19 Coordinators in over two weeks. Keep up the good work!
School Board Message from Mike Decarreau
WSD Community,
It is with deeply mixed emotions that I am announcing my resignation from the Board effective on the last day of May 2021. With a new job at work taking on issues worldwide in the global supply chain and fairly demanding time commitments at home I am finding that I do not have the time and energy to put into the school board work that the role requires.
When Tori Cleiland and I got involved in 2011 I heard often that this was a thankless job. I would tell you it has been quite the opposite. Did we have our challenges? Of course. If it is always easy you have obviously missed something or you are taking the easy path.
I have actually heard words of thanks from staff and community and that is very rewarding. To me, over the past ten years, the most rewarding part has been to see the growth of the staff and the incredible support from the community for what you all do every day.
Having been in the city all my life (nearly 40 years now! or so) I am extremely proud to see the respect our schools have gotten over the past 5 to 8 years due to all your hard work and creative vision. I have never been prouder than at several VSBA conferences where other school districts wanted to talk to Winooski about the great things we had going on here.
Keep up the great work, continue to make our Winooski community proud and please enjoy the gradual reopening of our lives as well as the great new facility coming on line in 2022.
It has been the greatest of pleasures to serve such a dedicated staff that serves our students and their families so well. Take good care of yourselves and each other. And yes, for those that know me, there were a few tears of pride while typing this.
Incoming Kindergarten Student Screening
On June 9, we are excited to welcome our incoming Kindergarten students and their families to JFK Elementary School for a Kindergarten Screening.
Children who will be five years old before September 1, 2021 should attend this screening. Families should call the JFK office, 80s-655-0411, to make an appointment.
All screening appointments are 45 minutes long. When you come to your screening appointment, please bring:
- Your student
- Your student’s birth certificate or I-94
- Your student’s updated immunization record
- Your student’s Social Security Number
- Proof of Residency
While your student is being screened, families will have time to complete the online registration if they have not done so already and fill out a sheet to help us learn about your student. If you have an incoming kindergarten student and cannot come to the screening on June 9, please call the JFK Office. We will take your information and one of the Kindergarten teachers will contact you to make alternative plans.
Courtesy Posts
Each week we will share information from non-district organizations upon request. Click here if you are interested in learning more about:
- Clean Up Day with Above the Influence (and free lunch!)
- Read 3 Books and get Free Tickets to the Champlain Valley Fair
- Free nutrition classes