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Dennis Barcomb

I enjoy spending time with my wife and 3 kids ( #4 due in August!)

I enjoy running, playing basketball, and weight training.

Education and Professional Experiences
I attended Essex High School (92) and Springfield College (Mass-96)

I have worked my entire career here in Winooski. I love that I get to work with all grade levels, and that I have three very different roles- PE Teacher, Athletic Director, and basketball coach.

What has been your greatest learning experience? (in or out of school)
I have learned all students are capable of achieving great things in life. With the proper motivation, encouragement, and instruction anything is possible.

Who do you admire and why?
I admire the students who work hard and want to achieve great things, despite any hardships they face. I also admire many of our staff members who go above and beyond to help their students out.

What do you love about your current WSD position and the WSD community?
I love work with a diverse student body.

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