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David Klinker at Quarter Zero summer campHi! My name is David Klinker and this summer I got the amazing opportunity to be a part of the Quarter Zero startup camp. I found out about Quarter Zero through my Winooski High School entrepreneurship teacher, Courtney Poquette. She is always looking out for new opportunities for me and this one was amazing! I got to meet new people and make friends, which I don’t usually do. I got to tour around New York City, my dream spot to live. As well as learn so much about how to run my business and get it started!

Ever since I was eight years old I fell in love with making videos. Videos of all kinds, and later on in life I realized I can turn it into a business. As I researched how I should set up my business I realized two things. How hard it is to set up my business, and how expensive it costs businesses to make videos. I decided I wanted to set my business up to support small businesses that never get the attention they deserve because of money. The only problem is I didn’t know anything else about my business than that. So when I got the opportunity to apply to Quarter Zero I took it in a heartbeat. 

Read more about David’s experience and local business here.

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